Scripts: Market Watch Cleaner


Market Watch Cleaner:

This script removes all instruments with spread higher than the specified maximum requested and it also removes all non-trade enabled instruments from Market Watch, which allows you to concentrate on items you may want to trade without all the clutter.

Author: John Davis


Thank you John,

Very nice & very useful.

Five stars.


Nice idea!


Hi John,

I think it will be very good to be able cleaning any other instrument but Forex.  Would you please make it as an alternative version?

Thank you.


Market Watch Cleaner:

Author: John Davis

Hey John, thanks for this nifty tool saves time, however can it have an option to filter only say Forex symbols, and hide the remaining i.e for stocks, commodities, indices etc.. I'm sure people would want that option 110%.
Hey John, thanks for this nifty tool saves time, however can it have an option to filter only say Forex symbols, and hide the remaining i.e for stocks, commodities, indices etc.. I'm sure people would want that option 110%.

I like the idea of filtering only for forex symbols, just don't know how to do it. I could say do all the major eight. I guess the main problem is figuring out what is different between a forex symbol and a non-forex symbol. Code wise they seem to be treated the same. If MetaTrader had some type of flag that I could use that would make it easier. Now, I could have it check against a list of known good symbols, however, new symbols would be excluded, and I probably would miss some exotic pairs, and then there is the problem of different brokers using different symbols.