Daily Market Reviews by MAYZUS - page 17


20 March 2014: Markets Reacted Negatively To Results Of FED Meeting

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

Yesterday we witnessed a rather interesting and emotional day, filled with important events. At present, the best idea is to try to digest all the news in order to take correct decisions.

Problems between Ukraine and Russia still remain on the agenda, but nevertheless are developing rather quietly and are not having a significant effect on the markets as yet. The acting president of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchynov, presented the parliament a declaration about the "Fight for Liberation of Ukraine". According to the document, "Crimea was, is and will be a part of Ukraine". Also it was stated that: "The Ukrainian people will never, under no circumstances, stop the fight for liberation of Crimea from invaders, as heavy and as long as it shall be".

Also, the government of Ukraine made the decision to begin to exit from the CIS. Besides that, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine received an order to enter a visa regime with the Russian Federation. Meanwhile, news regarding further sanctions concerning Russia continue to arrive. The leadership of Switzerland suspended negotiations on free trade zone creation with the Customs Union (CU) of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The government of Germany stopped cooperation in the military sphere between the German defence technology producer 'Rheinmetall AG' and Russia.

One more event which was in investors sights and pushed indices to finish the trading session in the red zone, was the annual meeting of the FED. The FED reconsidered the policy, and Janet Yellen reported at her press conference that the program of quantitative mitigation, will most likely be complete in autumn. By the end of 2015, the key interest rate could rise to 1%, and in a year could increase up to 2,25%. Thus, according to her, before the first increase of the interest rate, a considerable amount of time will pass - "half a year or about that".

As a result, the indicator of blue chips, the Dow Jones Industrial Average index, lost 0,70% and went to the level of 16222,17 points, the index of the wide market, S&P 500, decreased by 0,61% to the level of 1860,77 points, and the index of hi-tech companies, Nasdaq, fell by 0,59% reaching the level of 4307,60 points.

Prices of commodities continue to fall. Brent and WTI are adding just 0,10% and are traded on levels of 105,96$ and 99,27$ accordingly. Gold is losing 0,70%, and fell down to the level of 1331,89$ per troy ounce. Silver is decreasing by 1,08% and is traded on a price of 20,60$ per troy ounce.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd


21 March 2014: Introduction Of Sanctions Against Russia Continue To Increase

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

Yesterday, the main stock indices of the United States of America finished the trading session in the green territory due to the publications of positive statistical data. This brought optimism to the markets and allowed investors to temporarily forget about the statements of the FED concerning the possible increase of interest rates earlier than planned.

According to the presented data, the number of primary requests for unemployment benefits made 320 thousand, which appeared to be above the previous value of 315 thousand for the last week, however, it was better than market forecasts of 325 thousand. Meanwhile, the index of business activity of the FED of Philadelphia increased from minus 6,3 points in February to 9,0 points in March, whereas analysts expected only 3,8 points. At last, sales of houses in the secondary market made 4,6 million which coincided with average expectations of the market in February.

Following the results of the session, the Dow Jones Industrial Average index increased by 0,67% and was closed on a level of 16331,05 points, the index of the wide market S&P 500 went into plus by 0,60% to the level of 1872,01 points, and the index of the hi-tech companies, Nasdaq, added 0,27% and reached the level of 4319,29 points.

Today, the markets, and especially the Russian market, are going to be pushed down by the statements made by the U.S. President, Barack Obama, who signed the decree about the possibility of introduction of sanctions in relation to key sectors of the economy of Russia. Besides that, he has declared an extension of the list of the Russian officials falling under actions of visa and financial sanctions.

Among other interesting events and news, the Council of the EU and the European Parliament reached an agreement on the creation of the Bank union. An agency which is going to concentrate on closing unprofitable banks is going to be created. According to the arrangement, credit institutions of the European Union will pay an obligatory amount, which is going to be collected in the special reserve fund, who's volume will make 55 billion euro within the next eight years. Money from this fund will be allocated for the help or closing of unprofitable banks.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd


25 March 2014: The Statistics Disappointed Investors And Sent The Markets To A Red Zone

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

Trading session on Monday, generally took place under pressure of published statistical data, which in Europe and in the U.S. disappointed participants of the markets.

Preliminary data on an index of business activity in the industrial and services sectors of Germany for March made 53,8 and 54 points respectively, in comparison with 54,8 and 55,9 points in February. Meanwhile, similar indicators of the Eurozone made 53,0 and 52,4 points respectively, whereas a month earlier values were at the levels of 53,2 and 52,6 points.

Following the results of the session, the key index of Great Britain, FTSE 100, went down for 0,6%, French CAC 40 lost 1,4%, and German DAX went to a minus for 1,7%. The regional STXE 600 indicator, in turn, decreased by 1,1% and was closed on a level of 324,39 points. PMI index in the USA, counted by research group MarkIt decreased in March up to 55,5 points from 57,1 points in February, reflecting delay of growth rates of business activity in the industry of the USA.

American session continues fall of the European indexes and the indicator of blue chips, Dow Jones Industrial Average went down on 0,16% up to the level of 16276,69 points, the index of the wide market Standard & Poor's 500 decreased by 0,49% and reached level of 1857,44 points, and the index of high-tech industries of Nasdaq Composite went to a minus on 1,18% and reached a level of 4226,39 points.

World stock markets are still influenced and endure a stress from political opposition of Russia and the countries of Europe and the USA. Yesterday the Big Seven at meeting in the Hague made the decision, that the summit of G8 planned earlier in Sochi will take place in Brussels in the G7 format, without participation of Russia. The decision is made in connection with a situation around Ukraine and will be in force until the Russian side will not change the policy concerning Ukraine and the Crimea.

This week the special attention will be paid to statistics, in particular, to influence of bad weather on statistics. In case, if not a snowfalls in the USA were the reason of weak indicators, and weakening of economy - markets will receive more negative news.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd


26 March 2014: The Published Statistics Gave Support To The Markets

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

Yesterday, the stock market of the United States finished the trading session with a moderate growth of the main indices for the first time in the last 3 days. In general, the growth of the indices was promoted by the publication of positive statistical data.

The index of consumer confidence in March increased much more than expected, from the revised 78,3 points up to 82,3 points. Sales of new houses in February, meanwhile, were reduced from the reconsidered 0,455 million, to 0,440 million.

As a result, the indicator of blue chips, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, raised by 0,56% to the level of 16367,88 points. The index of the wide market, Standard & Poor's 500, increased by 0,44% reaching the level of 1865,62 points, and the index of high-tech industries, Nasdaq Composite, went to a plus by 0,19% and finished the trading session on a level of 4234,27 points.

Among the presented macroeconomic statistical data in Europe, it should be noted that February results coincided with forecasts of analysts on consumer inflation of Great Britain, which increased by 1,7%, in comparison with a 1,9% growth in January. The target level of Bank of England is based on 2%. The index of business optimism of IFO of Germany for March, meanwhile, appeared at a rate of 110,7 points, whereas economists were expecting 111 points.

Thankfully, due to this, European indices managed to gain even more than the American ones. The key index of Great Britain, FTSE 100 grew by 1,3%, the French CAC 40 increased by 1,59%, and the German DAX went to a plus by 1,63%. The regional STXE 600 indicator, in turn, increased by 1,29% and was closed on a level of 328,57 points.

The situation in the commodities market remains stable and is moving in a positive direction. Brent and WTI are adding 0,11% and 0,04% accordingly, traded on prices of $107,11 and $99,23 per barrel. Gold is up by 0,28%, bargaining on a price of $1315,10 per troy ounce. Silver is gaining 0,60% and is traded on a level of $20,10 per troy ounce.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd


27 March 2014: The European indices seems more confident than the American ones

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

The situation in the stock markets is developing quite ambiguously. Opposition between Russia, the US, and Europe, still puts pressure upon the markets. Additionally, published statistical data didn't show uniform dynamics. Moreover, European leaders already began to manipulate information to put pressure upon the European currency and to contain its further growth.

Yesterday, the stock market of the United States finished the trading session with a moderate decrease. Orders for goods of long use in February increased by 2,2%, which appeared to be significantly higher than forecasts, which assumed a growth of only 1%. At the same time, January’s indicator was reconsidered towards a fall from minus 1,0% to minus 1,3%.

The fall of the indices was also promoted by the statements of the U.S. President in Brussels. Obama stated that the actions of Russia deserve general condemnation, and that the situation in Ukraine could become worse. As a result, the indicator of blue chips, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, went down by 0,60% to the level of 16268,99 points, the index of the wide market, Standard & Poor's 500, decreased by 0,70% and reached a level of 1852,56 points, and the index of high-tech industries, Nasdaq Composite, went to a minus by 1,43% and dropped down to the level of 4173,58 points.

The European trading session, which took place before the American one, was much more successful. The British FTSE 100 rose by 0,01%, the French CAC 40 increased by 0,94%, and the German DAX went into plus on 1,18%. The regional STXE 600 indicator increased, in turn, by 0,7% and was closed on a level of 330,93 points.

Today, we are going to have quite an informative day. Retail sales of Germany and Great Britain for February are going to be published in the first part of the day. In the evening, final data on gross domestic product for the fourth quarter, and primary requests for unemployment benefits are going to be presented as well.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd


28 March 2014: Markets Are Finishing The Trading Week By Consolidating At Reached Levels

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

It should be noted that nearing the end of the week, indices passed into a condition of consolidation and closed the trading session on Thursday near to opening levels.

During the day, European stock indices were moving in different directions. As a result, the index of the London stock exchange lost 0,26%, the French CAC 40 decreased by 0,14% and the German DAX added just 0,03%. This morning, indices opened the trading session in the green zone. The FTSE 100 adds 0,52%, the German DAX is growing by 0,78%, and the French CAC 40 is increasing by 0,35%. The SMI index is also increasing by 0,45%.

Among the published macroeconomic statistical data, investors were pleased with the numbers of the retail sales in Great Britain, which in February grew by 3,7% in annual expression, where a growth by only 2,5% was expected. In monthly expression the indicator grew by 1,7%, whereas the market expected an increase of only 0,5%. This morning, data on yearly and monthly GDP of Great Britain was presented, which coincided with the predictions of the experts, and made 2,7% and 0,7% accordingly.

In turn, the American market finished the trading session with a fall. The Dow Jones Industrial Average index lost 0,03% and was closed on a level of 16264,23 points, the index of the wide market, S&P 500, decreased by 0,61% and reached a level of 1849,04 points, and the index of the hi-tech companies, Nasdaq, fell by 0,54% to the level of 4151,23 points.

Published macroeconomic statistical data was rather positive, but was not enough to inspire investors. GDP for the 4th quarter was reconsidered towards an increase from 2,4% up to 2,6%, and primary requests for unemployment benefits for the last week were decreased to 311 thousand from the reconsidered 321 thousand. Analysts expected the number to be on the level of 325 thousand.

Prices of commodities are adding in value this morning. Brent is traded on a price of $108,01 per barrel and is adding 0,16%. WTI is up for 0,26% bargaining next to the level of $101,54 per barrel. Gold and silver are increasing by 0,10% and 0,59% accordingly, traded on prices of $1296,00 and $19,82 per troy ounce.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd


01 April 2014: Yellen Stated That The U.S. Economy Is Still Very Weak

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

Trading week started rather optimistically. American indexes added around 1% after the speech given by new head of FED, Janet Yellen. She has commented on the economic situation in the United States. Yellen acknowledged that the U.S. economy remains to be sluggish and more likely it will require incentives for longer period.

As, a result Dow Jones Industrial Average index grew by 0,82% and reached level of 16457,66 points, Nasdaq Composite index added 1,04% and has finished trading session on a level of 4198,99 points, S&P 500 increased for 0,79% up to the level of 1872,34 points.

European stock markets also were traded in the positive territory, but have decreased right before the closure of the trading session. Euro Stoxx 50 lost 0,34%. This morning indexes opened trading session in a green zone, DAX is growing for 0,41%, FTSE 100 is adding around 0,39%, CAC 40 adds 0,55%.

Optimism to the markets in the morning also has been brought by statistics from China. The official PMI index in March increased from 50,2 to 50,3 points, analysts were expecting that the index should decline up to 50,1 points. However, according to HSBC, the index of business activity in China fell from 48,1 to 48 points.

Situation in the commodities market remains to be stable, but not really optimistic in relation to further growth. Brent and WTI are losing 0,09% and 0,27% accordingly, traded on a price of 107,56$ and 100,55$ for barrel. Gold is up for 0,26% bargaining next to the level of 1287,12$ for troy ounce. Silver is up for 0,56% on a price of 19,86$ for troy ounce.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd


02 April 2014: Markets Are Preparing For The Meeting Of The ECB

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

The U.S. market finished the trading session in positive territory, taking into consideration the increase in the published data on the ISM report, which showed an increase of up to 53,7 points from 53,2 points. Published data appeared to be better than last month, although it was a bit worse than the predictions of analysts on the level of 54,0 points.

As a result, the Dow Jones Industrial Average added 0,46% and reached the level of 16532,61 points, the S&P 500 index rose by 0,70% to the level of 1885,52 points, and the index of tech-companies, Nasdaq, jumped up by 1,64% and was closed on the level of 4268,04 points.

Moderate optimism prevailed at the European stock markets. In Europe, investors are still not in a rush to make important decisions before the upcoming ECB meeting. Analysts and investors are trying to anticipate the expected decisions and possible monetary incentives in relation to the slowdown of inflation in the region.

Yesterday the PMI index of several European countries and the Eurozone as a whole, was published. According to the data, business activity in the leading countries of the Union was worse than market expectations. Germany made 53,7 points against the expected 53,8, and the United Kingdom made 55,3 points against expectations of 56,7 points. The Eurozone PMI industry, nevertheless, coincided with the forecast and reached the level of 53 points. As a result, the index of the London Stock Exchange, the FTSE100, grew by 0,82 %, the French CAC40 added 0,80% and the German DAX, 0,5%.

Quotes of oil fell during yesterday’s trading session and this morning are traded on $105,58 for Brent, and $98,89 for WTI, bargaining next to the levels reached yesterday.

There are not so many important reports being published today before the main economic event of this week. However, in the evening the ADP report in the private sector is going to be published, which should be taken into consideration as it can be used to predict the results of the NFP, which is going to be published on Friday.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd


03 April 2014: Outcome Of The ECB Meeting Will Have Investors Attention

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

Stock markets again pleased the participants of the markets and closed one more trading day with an increase.

According to the published figures from the Institute of ADP, employment in the United States during last month increased by 191 thousand, which almost reached the expectations of analysts at 195 thousands. Additionally, factory orders in February increased by 1,6%, when 1,2% was expected.

As a result, the Dow Jones Industrial Average increased by 0,24% up to the level of 16573,00 points, the Standard & Poor's 500 index grew by 0,29% and was closed on a level of 1890,90 points, while the index of high-tech companies, Nasdaq Composite, moved up by 0,20% and reached the level of 4276,46 points.

European indices also conducted a positive trading session, continuing their positive trend. The British index, FTSE 100, rose by 0,1%, France's CAC 40 added 0,09%, while Germany's DAX increased by 0,2%. The regional indicator STXE 600, in turn, rose by 0,17% and was closed on the level of 336.93 points.

Today, the attention of investors will be focused on the outcome of the ECB meeting, which, traditionally, is going to be followed by a speech from Mario Draghi. During the last week, analysts were building up confidence that members of the meeting are going to concentrate on the restoration of the peripheral economies, rather than on the weak levels of inflation. Although yesterday, the first doubts about this appeared.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd


04 April 2014: The Trading Week Will End Depending On The Data From The U.S. Labor Market

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

Yesterday, markets reacted positively on the outcome from the ECB meeting. The President of the ECB, Mario Draghi, said that the ECB is ready to take additional measures to mitigate the monetary policy, and added that interest rates will remain at current or lower levels for an extended period of time. The ECB kept its benchmark interest rate unchanged at 0,25% yesterday, which coincided with market expectations.

As a result, the British index, FTSE 100, fell down by 0,2%, France's CAC 40 increased by 0,40%, while Germany's DAX grew by 0,1%. The regional indicator, the STXE 600, in turn, increased by 0,1% and was closed on the level of 337,25 points.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that yesterday data was presented on weekly claims for unemployment benefits, which appeared to be worse than expectations. The index of business activity in the U.S. service sector, ISM Non-Manufacturing index, rose in March to 53,1 points from 51,6 points a month earlier, but still appeared to be lower than the predicted 53,5 points.

At the closing of the day, the Dow Jones finished without any change at the level of 16572,55 points, the S&P 500 index fell by 0,11% to the level of 1888,77 points, whilst the Nasdaq lost 0,91% and reached the level of 4237,74 points.

Brent and WTI are up by 0,30% and 0,48% accordingly, traded on levels of 106,41$ and 100,11$ per barrel. Gold is increasing by 0,39% on a price of 1289,57$ per troy ounce, and silver is up by 0,61% on a price of 19,93$ per troy ounce.

This afternoon, the U.S. Labor Department will release the employment report for March. It is expected that the level of unemployment in the U.S. economy in the last month decreased from 6,7 % to 6,6%. Also, it is expected that in March more than 200,000 jobs were created.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd