Daily Market Reviews by MAYZUS - page 14


05 February 2014: The Situation In The Stock Markets Is Stabilizing

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

Yesterday, participants of the markets finally calmed down, which helped indices to recover slightly from the falls of the last few days. Optimism was brought by macroeconomic statistical data which pleased investors. According to the published data, orders in the manufacturing industry were reduced in December by 1.5%, while analysts expected the fall of the indicator to be 1.7%.

Investors attention was also directed towards speeches from the representatives of the FED. In particular, the head of the FED of Richmond, Jeffrey Leker, noted that the American economy will continue its development, with a very slow rate, however, this will not affect decisions of the FED to continue to reduce the program. Accordingly to his estimates, gross domestic product of the country will grow in 2014 by 2%, and the rate of inflation in the next 1-2 years will reach the target level of 2%. At the same time, the head of the FED of Chicago, Charles Evans, declared that an increase of interest rate could be possible, but only in the long-term, and monetary policy will remain to be soft until the FED is sure that all necessary measures have been taken for achievement of maximum employment and price stability.

Following the results of the session, the Dow Jones Industrial Average index rose by 0.47% and was closed on a level of 15445.24 points. The index of the wide market S&P 500 went to plus by 0.76% to the level of 1755.2 points, and the index of the hi-tech companies, Nasdaq, increased by 0.87%, to a level of 4031.52 points.

Asian stock markets are recovering after a strong fall yesterday. The Japanese Nikkei adds 1.23%, the Korean KOSPI also grows. China is still celebrating New Year in the country. The Australian ASX200 and the Indian BSE Sensex are decreasing.

Today is going to be a very saturated day, statistical data wise. Indexes of business activity in the Eurozone, data of ADP Services on the labor market in the USA, and the ISM index in the non-manufacturing sector are expected.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd


07 February 2014: ECB Keeps Its Soft Stimulation Of The Economy

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

This morning, positive external background remains in the markets. Among the main factors pushing indices to move up, is the preservation of soft stimulating policy in the Eurozone and expectation of data on the level of Private Non-farm Payrolls and unemployment rate in the USA for December, which will be published in the second part of the day.

Yesterday, the European Central Bank declared preservation of the interest rate at the former level of 0.25%. At a traditional press conference, the president of ECB, Mario Dragi, confirmed that the bank will start to take measures only if forecasts on inflation will start to become worse, and turbulence of the currency market will increase. Inflation in the Eurozone was unexpectedly slowed down to 0.7% per annum following the results of December, which became its lowest value since 2009.

Published macroeconomic data in the U. S. yesterday was also rather positive, primary jobless claims made 331 thousand when what was expected was 335 thousands, decreasing by 20 thousand from last month. Non-farm Productivity made 3.2%, 2.5% was expected.

This helped American indices to close the trading session in a green zone. The Dow Jones industrial average index increased by 1.22% reaching the level of 15628.53, S&P 500 increased by 1.24% to the level of 1773.43 points, and Nasdaq Composite added 1.14% in value, finishing the trading session on a level of 4057.12 points.

Today, the attention of the investors is going to be directed towards employment change in the non-agriculture sector in January, which, with a high probability, will significantly affect both dynamics of the trading session in the USA, and closing of the European exchange markets. It is expected that growth of the number of workplaces in January made 185000, after growth of 74000 in December. Strong data could lead to a continuation of growth of profitability of state bonds. Weak numbers could raise doubts in expediency of turning of the QE program.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd


10 February 2014: The Labor Market Of The USA Was The Main Source Of A Positive In The Markets

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

On Friday, investors concentrated their attention on the publication of macroeconomic statistical data. Statistics on the labor market of the USA were weaker than predictions of analysts. Frosts again became the main reason why the quantity of created workplaces appeared below market forecasts. This time, around 262 thousand people could not come to work because of cold weather, which coincided with the figure recorded in December.

The Non-farm payrolls indicator made 113 thousand whereas 185 thousand were expected. The average hourly salary increased by 0.2%, having coincided with market expectations, and the average duration of the working week remained invariable at a rate of 34.4 hours. Among the positive data, it should be noted that the unemployment rate decreased from 6.7% to 6.6%.

As a result, the index of the wide market S&P 500 increased by 1.33% and finished the week on the level of 1786.58 points, the indicator of blue chips, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, grew by 0.5% to the level of 15705.84 points, and the index of high-tech industries, Nasdaq Composite, added 1.69% reaching a value of 4105.38 points.

Oil managed to increase in price due to the retreat of the dollar, and the remaining positive dynamics of the decrease in the unemployment rate in the USA. Brent this morning is traded on a level of 108.46$ per barrel, increasing by 0.36% and WTI is losing 0.16% traded on a level of 99.19$ per barrel.

Today we expect a rather quiet trading session, as there are not many important economic reports expected during the day. One of the most important events this week is going to be the press-conference of the new head of the FED, Janet Yellen. Undoubtedly, she will be asked questions concerning the plans of the FED in relation to the target levels of the labor market. Besides that, the publication of the report on retails is another important event of the current week.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd


10 February 2014: Prices of Coffee rise due to unprecedented drought

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

Since the end of 2014, the price of coffee has increased more than 30%. The reason of the soar is severe drought in Brazil, which could reduce the future harvest by more than 10%.

Brazil is the main producer of Coffee worldwide. Brazilian Arabica, thanks to its low price, is a key ingredient in coffee mixture. Brazilian Arabica is one of the best coffees in the world.

Traders are concerned regarding the future of the Brazilian’s harvest of coffee, which is pushing the price up. The maximum price was recorded near to the level of 144 dollars per pound.

At the moment, we are observing a technical correction. The key support level is 132 dollars per pound. Coffee could continue its growth. The key resistance level is $144. If the level is breached up with success, then Coffee could reach the following levels: $152.00 and $163.00.

If the bears breach down the support level of $132, then Coffee will continue its technical correction. The next levels for decline are $128.40-$124.75.

This information is an analytical review of Capital and FX markets. The material presented, and the information contained, is investment research and should in no way be considered as the provision of investment advice for the purposes of Investment Firms Law 144(I)/2007 of the Republic of Cyprus, or any other form of personal advice, which relates to certain types of transactions, with certain types of financial instruments.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd


11 February 2014: Everybody Is Waiting For Janet Yellen's Speech

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

A positive atmosphere remains in the market for the second day in a row. Investors are still continuing to build their expectations based on statistics on the labor market of the US, which were published on Friday. Weak data from the labor market gives hope to the participants of the markets that the FED could stop further reduction of the program of repayment of assets for the time being, and will wait until the situation starts to improve again.

Janet Yellen is going to give two speeches this week, one of them is going to be today, which is quite an important point, as we are going to hear the opinion of the new head of FED for the first time, on the current situation in the country. Hopefully, she is going to give some indicates in relation to the further plans of the FED.

Yesterday, American indices managed to finish the trading session in the green zone without any significant increase. The Dow Jones added 0.05% reaching a level of 15801.79 points, Nasdaq Composite increased by 0.54% to the level of 4148.17 points and the S&P 500 index grew by 0.16% reaching the level of 1799.84 points.

In the meantime in the Eurozone, the investor confidence index of Sentix for February was published, which made 13.3 points at average expectations of 10.7 points. As a result, the index of Great Britain, FTSE 100, increased by 0.3%, the French CAC 40 added 0.2%, and the German DAX went to a minus by 0.1%. The regional STXE 600 indicator, in turn, added less than 0.1% and was closed on the level of 325.3 points.

One more interesting fact is that gold reached the maximum level since November, 2013. Basically, this was due to the expectations of turning of the program of quantitative easing in the U.S., and the renewal of purchases from China. This morning, gold continues its growth and adds 0.66% traded on a level of 1283.08$ per troy ounce.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd


12 February 2014: The Positive Background Supports The Markets

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

The American stock market continues to get positive impulses, which helps it to recover from the losses obtained in the beginning of February. Yesterday, for the first time in her career, Janet Yellen gave a speech in front of the Congress of the USA as the new head of FED. Yellen confirmed that she is going to continue to stick to the plans of Bernanke, and the volume of the program of purchase of assets will be gradually reduced. At the same time, interest rates will not change, even if the unemployment rate is going to reduce below the threshold value of 6.5%.

Following the results of the trading session, the indicator of blue chips, the Dow Jones Industrial Average index, increased by 1.22% to the level of 15994.77 points, the index of the wide market S&P 500 added 1.11% in value, reaching the level of 1819.75 points, and the index of the hi-tech companies, Nasdaq, grew by 1.03% to a level of 4191.04 points.

Morning news coming from China also brought positive moods to the markets. Accordingly to the published macroeconomic statistical data, export in January increased by 10.6% which was 0.1% higher than forecasts, and import grew by 10%, which allowed China to expand surplus of trade balance. These are very important figures, which, in the short-term prospect, could have an influence on the situation in the emerging markets.

The situation in the commodities market remains to be stable, and is developing in a positive direction. Prices of oil are increasing by 0.03% on Brent, and 0.47% on WTI, traded on 108.21$ and 99.91$ accordingly. Gold and silver are slightly losing, 0.19% and 0.01%, bargaining next to the levels of 1287.41$ and 20.15$ per troy ounce.

From the events expected today, some attention should be paid to the report of the Bank of England on inflation in the country, and data on industrial production in the Eurozone.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd


13 February 2014: Positive News From China Had Only A Short-Term Influence On The Markets

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

Yesterday, the trading session in the United States started on a positive note, but by the end of the day, indices could not keep growing, and were closed in the red zone. Optimism was brought by the published macroeconomic statistical data in China, where export volumes grew in January by 10.6%, whereas analysts expected indicator increase of only 2.0%.

Following the results of the trading session, the indicator of blue chips, the Dow Jones Industrial Average index, lost 0.19% and was closed on a level of 15963.94 points, the index of the wide market S&P 500 went to a minus by 0.03% to the level of 1819.26 points, and only the index of the hi-tech companies, Nasdaq, increased by 0.24% to a level of 4201.29 points.

The situation in the commodities market remains stable, and slowly develops in a positive direction. Yesterday, the price of WTI managed to go over 100.00$ per barrel, and increased by 0.4% to the level of 100.37$ for barrel. This morning, WTI is losing 0.73%, traded on a level of 99.18$ per barrel. Brent is feeling slightly better, traded on a level of 107.84$ per barrel, and losing 0.47%.

The price of gold also managed to increase by 0.4%, reaching the level of 1295.00$ per troy ounce, but could not go over the level of 1300.00$, and rebounded from that, and is losing 0.32% this morning, bargaining next to the 1290.91$ per troy ounce. Silver is losing 0.72% at 20.19$ per troy ounce.

Today it is necessary to pay attention to macro statistics from Germany and the USA. Information on a change of the rate of inflation in Germany in January will be published during the day. Later on, growth of retails and the situation on the labor market in the USA will be presented.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd


14 February 2014: Markets Are Consolidating At The Levels Reached

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

On Thursday, indices of the United States managed to finish the trading session on a positive note, and closed the day with a moderate increase. Following the results of the trading session, the indicator of blue chips, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, raised by 0.40% to the level of 16027.59 points, the index of the wide market, Standard & Poor's 500, increased by 0.58% to the level of 1829.83 points, and the index of high-tech industries, Nasdaq Composite, went to plus on 0.94% reaching the level of 4240.67 points.

As for the statistics published yesterday, the number of primary requests for unemployment benefits contrary to expectations, increased from 331 thousand to 339 thousand, and at the same time, retails in January were reduced by 0.4%, though zero change was expected. At the same time, December retails were reconsidered towards a fall from 0.2% to minus 0.1%, and production stocks in the last month of 2013 accelerated growth rate to 0.5%, reflecting activity which wasn't too high of retailers and consumers.

In the meantime, the Asian markets are traded ambiguously this morning . The Chinese market received incentive in the form of inflation at the level of 2.5% in January, and also because of the price index of the producers, which has fallen during this period by 1.6%. Japanese Nikkei 225 increases by 2.17%, Shanghai Composite is adding 0.83%, Futsee-100 loses 0.24%.

The situation in the commodities market remains stable and is developing positively. Prices of gold managed to go over the level of 1300.00$ per troy ounce, and are adding 0.63% this morning, traded on a level of 1308.24$. Silver jumped by 2.07% reaching a price of 20.82$ per troy ounce. Prices of oil are stable, with Brent traded on a price of 108.45$ per barrel and losing just 0.07%. WTI is down by 0.21% traded on a level of 99.84$ per barrel.

This morning data on gross domestic product of Germany for the 4th quarter of 2013 has been published, which made 0.4% against the expected 0.3%. Later throughout the day, data on preliminary gross domestic product of the Eurozone for the 4th quarter of 2013 and trade balance for December, are going to be presented. Also, data on industrial production in the USA for January will be published in the evening.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd


17 February 2014: Statistics Support The Markets

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

The last trading day of the previous week was rather full with publications of macroeconomic statistical data, which had an influence on developments in the markets, and increased volatility. Analysts were predicting an increase of the industrial production in January by 0.2%, but actual numbers were reduced by up to 0.3%, which is the maximum value since April, 2013. Even more disappointing was data from the manufacturing industry, who's volume of production decreased in January by 0.8%, which is the greatest fall since May, 2009. Analysts were predicting an increase of 0.1%.

In spite of the fact that in the process of the publication of various reports, indices were moving up and down, they managed to close the trading session in positive territory. Dow Jones industrial average Index raised by 0.79% up to 16154.39 points, the Standard & Poor's 500 index raised by 0.48%, having closed at the level of 1838.63 points, and the Nasdaq Composite index raised by 0.08% to the value of 4244.03 points.

As for the commodities platforms, gold continues to grow due to the weaker dollar, increasing by 0.53% and bargaining next to the level of 1325.56$ per troy ounce. Silver is also up, adding 1.53% and bargaining next to the level of 21.75$.

Prices of oil are also stable and are developing in a positive direction. An interesting fact to pay attention to is that spread between Brent and WTI is decreasing, and WTI managed to go through the level of 100.00$ per barrel. This morning, Brent is traded on a level of 109.10$ per barrel, and is adding just 0.02%, while WTI is up by 0.42% and is traded on a level of 100.55$ per barrel.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd