Gann is the Man Indicators - page 9


And I'm sorry to continue onwards, but is it just me? or does the mt4 gann fann lack a 1x1 (45 degree) line?

I could be mistaken, but that's just what it looks like to me compared to the other programs I've seen out there.


Let me take the GannBox question first. Go to the Tutorial section under A-B-C-D thread. Use the "Search This Thread" function and type in GannBox_144. You must type in the underscore or the results don't show up.

You will arrive at this page of results:

Forex Trading | MetaTrader Indicators and Expert Advisors - Search Results

The searches don't always link all of the posts, which is probably due to us not using the full title, such as omitting the _144. The latest example on May 6th, post #1474, is a good one on the EUR/USD daily chart.

We correctly identified the break of the 1/1 Gann Angle line (red). Gann had stated that this is the most important fan ray, if plotted correctly, and indicate a change in trend.

The 138.2 extension ( yellow) to the downside captured about 300 pips. The 1/2 angle3 line (blue) lent support. Mouse over line to see angle ratios.

The pink numbers are long-range Low-High and extension fibs to upside.

Edit add: The problem with using Gann lines on the MT4 platform is that the charts cannot be properly scaled. When we try to scale it at, the candles become so large that it is impractical to use.

This being said, we found the GannBoxx_144 works on MT4 since we can input height and width.



I forgot to say welcome to this site.

The next questions you had:

"Who supplies nonstop updates?"

I haven't seen an MT4 provider that offers 7-day weeks. We use 6-day week charts.


"....I feel might be slightly confused seeing as how the ganntime uses a starting date and the gannprice does not...."

Time and date are distinctly separate. SQ9(Time) uses a date because it projects time only. SQ9(Price) only projects price and has no need for a date, and is used for support & resistance.

Have you looked at the MT4 tool "fib time zone"? A custom version of this that automates the plots is the QTA indicator, which has been posted. There are also examples in the A-B-C-D thread.

The attached chart features the QTA. The objective is to find fib clusters in time to project potential turning points. What we've done was relocate the 2 plots. One plots High-to-High on the zig-zag, and the other plots Low-to-Low.

Double-click on the peaks or dips and you'll see the dots, which can be dragged to the new points. Otherwise go to the edit function of the indicator. The bar that stretches between points is invisible on default, and you'll need to change that to a viable color for better viewing.

We moved the:

High-to-High plot to: Nov 4th and Feb 2nd

Low-to-Low plot to: Nov 30th and Feb 14th

This picture was not the easiest to plot. The 2 Highs were easy, but the lows were not, due to choppiness. Here's our though process.

The 1st low was pretty easy, although not a sure thing, so we left it there first.

We moved the tool around for the 2nd low to the remaining 3 options.

The nearest option of Dec 23rd was too close and was discarded.

The Jan 9th option wasn't bad, and created clusters for Mar 17th & 18th.

The 3rd option on Feb 14th produced 3 clusters for Apr 14th, Apr 21st, and May 1st-3rd. We highlighted these on the chart with white arrows.

We advocate using other techniques to support time turning points. We did not find Moon Phases to be consistently effective for Forex. There will be stretches where it's pretty good, then some that are not.


"The astral4 indicator thing you are talking about is not available for download in this thread..."

It is attached herewith. Another poster conveyed the problem of not being able to compile it. We found that it may be due to operating system Window 7. Let us know if you're able to use it. We added it to the attached chart.


"What I ended up here looking for is how to use the gannsquare of 144

I've seen a few others (squares of 90 and 52) but 144 looks excellent as well. I got it into MT4 from my best understanding. But I have no idea how to set it up, hoping someone could point me in the correct direction. I can take endless screen shots for you, but it doesn't offer me a starting date or price even in the options for it. So i don't know how to properly lay it on the chart."


I didn't mean to skip this part of your question. This was covered, but I'll repeat it.

Set Height (Price) and Width (Time). Our suggestion is to use Gann numbers or derivatives of such as per examples. You can adjust later.

Zoom in on the start point that you want the box to start at. It should be a very significant high or low.

You will see a very small blue or red arrow (blue if direction is up and red for down) at the left corner of the GannBox. Double click on it until there is a square box around the arrow. This means it's ready to be moved. You must drag that arrow to the desired start point.

If you cannot see the arrow, simply drag the other stuff out of the way. It will reset later by itself. That other stuff would be the numbers and lines.

Sometimes the GannBox will become upside down. You'll need to reposition the arrow lower or higher (while keeping it on the same vertical spot), and/or flip to another time-frame and flip back.

And I'm sorry to continue onwards, but is it just me? or does the mt4 gann fann lack a 1x1 (45 degree) line?I could be mistaken, but that's just what it looks like to me compared to the other programs I've seen out there.

The 1X1 is there, it just gets squeezed down. As mentioned, the MT4 charts cannot really be scaled properly. In some instances, the Gann Fan disappears and reappears when adjusting the height of the chart (by dragging on right side of chart).

Recommend using the GannBox_144 instead.

hello FXBAJA while compiling the files its giving error 2;76;F:\Program Files\GCI MT4\experts\indicators\AstroIndicator4.mq4;44:1;'astro_swiss.mq4' - cannot open the program file 2;76;F:\Program Files\GCI MT4\experts\indicators\AstroIndicator4.mq4;45:1;'astro_func.mq4' - cannot open the program file 2;76;F:\Program Files\GCI MT4\experts\indicators\AstroIndicator4.mq4;46:1;'time.mq4' - cannot open the program file KINDLY CHECK & POST THE REMAINING TWO FILES THANX

Let me answer the questions pertaining to AstroIndicator4. Here's additional files and which folders to save them.

We took a pic of the attached contents of the zip file, which shows programs and destination folders:

astro_func = experts/include

astro_swiss = experts/include

time = experts/include

AstroIndicator4 = experts/indicators

Astro_Retrograde = experts/indicators

depends = experts/libraries

swedll32 = experts/libraries

Sorry took so long to answer. Users should respond if they cannot get to operate properly.

The ABCD thread in the tutorial section will have an example of the AstroIndicator4 on EUR/USD today.

Astro.png  32 kb
William, I forgot to say welcome to this site. The next questions you had: "Who supplies nonstop updates?" I haven't seen an MT4 provider that offers 7-day weeks. We use 6-day week charts. ***
"....I feel might be slightly confused seeing as how the ganntime uses a starting date and the gannprice does not...." Time and date are distinctly separate. SQ9(Time) uses a date because it projects time only. SQ9(Price) only projects price and has no need for a date, and is used for support & resistance. Have you looked at the MT4 tool "fib time zone"? A custom version of this that automates the plots is the QTA indicator, which has been posted. There are also examples in the A-B-C-D thread. The attached chart features the QTA. The objective is to find fib clusters in time to project potential turning points. What we've done was relocate the 2 plots. One plots High-to-High on the zig-zag, and the other plots Low-to-Low. Double-click on the peaks or dips and you'll see the dots, which can be dragged to the new points. Otherwise go to the edit function of the indicator. The bar that stretches between points is invisible on default, and you'll need to change that to a viable color for better viewing. We moved the: High-to-High plot to: Nov 4th and Feb 2nd Low-to-Low plot to: Nov 30th and Feb 14th This picture was not the easiest to plot. The 2 Highs were easy, but the lows were not, due to choppiness. Here's our though process. The 1st low was pretty easy, although not a sure thing, so we left it there first. We moved the tool around for the 2nd low to the remaining 3 options. The nearest option of Dec 23rd was too close and was discarded. The Jan 9th option wasn't bad, and created clusters for Mar 17th & 18th. The 3rd option on Feb 14th produced 3 clusters for Apr 14th, Apr 21st, and May 1st-3rd. We highlighted these on the chart with white arrows. We advocate using other techniques to support time turning points. We did not find Moon Phases to be consistently effective for Forex. There will be stretches where it's pretty good, then some that are not. **** "The astral4 indicator thing you are talking about is not available for download in this thread..." It is attached herewith. Another poster conveyed the problem of not being able to compile it. We found that it may be due to operating system Window 7. Let us know if you're able to use it. We added it to the attached chart.

Would you mind posting the qta indicator?! thanks!!


Here it is. Both plots can be moved by clicking on highs or lows of zig-zag swings. We can then turn the color on for each plot's line to drag to another set of high-high, etc.

We'll try to use the title: "FOR DOWNLOAD" for posts with indicators. This way, members can use the "search this thread" function and type in those key words, to locate.

QTA_v4.mq4  79 kb

Murrey used Gann's 1/8th intervals. We display examples of this indicator in the Tutorial section under the A-B-C-D thread.

One example for today can be found there, here's link:


This is a nice you give a better solution on the people seeking for help regarding on their trading. With the use of this maybe they ill understand what they have to do in their trades.