Gann is the Man Indicators - page 12


You're pathetic. Don't return. Idiots like you can't think their way out of a paper bag. I won't tell you which post has the setting.

Your mental midget mind and laziness prevents you from even rising above the beginner level. Yet you feel entitled. Whine and bitch until someone is forced to hold your hand for free. Insult them too.

I got news for you loser. No one give a damn about you punk. Now get lost and wipe that snot off your nose. It's disgusting.



I told you to stay out of my threads. Do you have a comprehension problem? I'm ready to take out the bigger hammer. Just stay out.

You're pathetic. Don't return. Idiots like you can't think their way out of a paper bag. I won't tell you which post has the setting. Your mental midget mind and laziness prevents you from even rising above the beginner level. Yet you feel entitled. Whine and bitch until someone is forced to hold your hand for free. Insult them too. I got news for you loser. No one give a damn about you punk. Now get lost and wipe that snot off your nose. It's disgusting.

Why are you so defensive? Because I'm stating the obvious?

1.) Your not using any of the indicators you presented.

2.) You keep changing and adding indicators along the way.

3.) This is a forum where traders are suppose to help each other and your just directing to read your thread.

4.) Even after reading your thread, I still have questions and you will not answer.

So, how am I wrong here?

Why are you so defensive? Because I'm stating the obvious? 1.) Your not using any of the indicators you presented.2.) You keep changing and adding indicators along the way.3.) This is a forum where traders are suppose to help each other and your just directing to read your thread.4.) Even after reading your thread, I still have questions and you will not answer.So, how am I wrong here?

1) You're so moronic, you can't even keep track of the indicators you've asked help on. Tell me what post number is your request for Gann_Box details. It never happened.

The exact detailed instructions are here in this thread and easy to find. How old are you?

2) This is not a systems thread, or it would be in the systems section idiot. I use whatever indicators I please. Are you that stupid?


3) Contributors generously donate their time here, but are not obligated to go further. Except losers like you feel entitled and demand they do so, such as your sorry ass example here.

4) You don't force anyone to help by bitching and moaning. I told you how to find your answers. You had to dig and search, but for some idiotic reason you lied and said you did and it was vague.

That's b.s. I give exact settings for the SQ9(Price) examples with pics. There is nothing vague about it. It only means you never bothered to take the time to search for them. This is laziness. I don't reward people that are lazy.

5) Get lost, I will not respond to you anymore. Go leg hump someone else and waste their time.

1) You're so moronic, you can't even keep track of the indicators you've asked help on. Tell me what post number is your request for Gann_Box details. It never happened. The exact detailed instructions are here in this thread and easy to find. How old are you? 2) This is not a systems thread, or it would be in the systems section idiot. I use whatever indicators I please. Are you that stupid?

First off, you direct me to read your A-B-C-D Trade thread which I did.

Then I asked you the Gann_boxx settings there. Because from what I read you have different settings for different pairs. So how the hell would I know which one is the right one? You did not say why you kept changing your settings.

I'm only asking for the settings not how it works.

Or maybe I'm asking the wrong person?

I didn't need help with the SQ9.

Why even start a thread like this if your not even going to apply what your trying to present?

Just like I said, after reading your thread your approach is very inconsistent. Mixing and matching indicators only means one thing. You can't figure it out. Who's stupid now?


That is quite the idiot's view. LOL now get off my leg and go lose some more. I owe you nothing and even go as far as saying I never help an insulting lazy moron like you.

That is quite the idiot's view. LOL now get off my leg and go lose some more. I owe you nothing and even go as far as saying I never help an insulting lazy moron like you.

Say whatever makes you through the day


Forrest, Instead of trading, you should continue buying your weekly box of chocolates with your allowance. BTW, the guys in the white coats are coming. For updates on their ETA, go to

Forrest, Instead of trading, you should continue buying your weekly box of chocolates with your allowance. BTW, the guys in the white coats are coming. For updates on their ETA, go to

Do you realize how childish you sound?

Just because I've pointed the obvious. You became so defensive..