Gann is the Man Indicators - page 4


Here's some reading material on the Gann Box


Note that we'll try to keep this thread relatively free from long posts, allowing viewers an easier time finding the indicators/reading links to download. Trading questions can be directed to the tutorial thread titled ABCD Trade. We are highlighting the Gann tools over there. Or simply google fxbaja Gann Box or whatever subject you want to find. Thanks.


Another nice example its Gbpjpy on daily chart, the price touch the 360 angle, an the price change the tendency with magic, i calculated tomorrow thursday 9 maybe the pair gives another 130 uprising pips...



Hi ummo, I answered you at ABCD thread:


really complete analysis, thanks for sharing, tomorrow the price judges.



only one thing, i dont see the 360 angle at the upper zone of the chart to rebound, i see at the down side of the chart, and the rebound its done....i attached my chart.


gbpjpy.gif  38 kb

Try refreshing your chart (daily). You can do this by just changing interval and switching back. I used the indicator you posted, which is the same as one on 1st page of this thread.

It looks like you are not getting the levels for the current upswing.


ok, i do it, and with Gann_SQ9_2, still looks the same...


O.K., found your problem. The version of the indicator you posted has a different input.

ExtDepth: change from default of 12 to 21.

The version posted on 1st page has default of 21.

There is another difference. The version you posted has ability to change degree for going up and going down separately.


right, this is, but personally i use 21.


Sorry, sounds strange. Maybe try building new chart, or using version on 1st page.