Simple Trading Method - page 22

There are some forum that deals with the problem of newbies and those that are starting the Forex trading, i suggest you start in there. It may take alittle while to learn this business but it is fun. Welcome to the Forex funworld. Rookie Discussion @ Forex Factory


Thanks a lot for the advice

I'll be there looking for some info.

I'll tell you what I get.



I'm not sure if people here know that Julius and this great system are now located at

Trader101 - Basket Trading System: The Simple Basket Trading Method

Paalam na po


Being carefull and following your ticker in order to get a better picture of were the trend is going...


Hi to All, this is my First post to this forum. Just wanted to say what a Great System this is. I have read All the other FF once or twice abot T101 Trading System. I made my first trades on monday and in 24 hrs i was up 580 pips! I am a relatively new trader and up to this point i was barely getting 15 pips a day, with a huge amount of losses. So when i saw this Trading system a week ago i knew that this system was right for me. Since then i have made some more winning trades but i also had some losers as expected but practice makes perfect and practice i will. So Thank you Julius for the Great System and to all who help to perfect it.


Thanks for sharing.


I have seen some renewed interest in the system. To those that are using the system...Good luck to your trading and please post whatever results you made and tell us your adventure..good or bad.

To those that are sceptical .. give this method a chance by testing it..

Lastly, any questions? read the thread here and in other forum if you cant find the answer in those jungle of posts then write me..



Hi everyone...I'm new to this site, started on FF site and read those Q&A's I'm having a problem findint the downloadable files for this method, ie Profitcalc,2protectaccnt,miniprotect..I found the files on page 96 FF but they won't download as mq4/exe files and cannot be opened..any help will be appreciated...


Hi everyone...I'm new to this site, started on FF site and read those Q&A's I'm having a problem findint the downloadable files for this method, ie Profitcalc,2protectaccnt,miniprotect..I found the files on page 96 FF but they won't download as mq4/exe files and cannot be opened..any help will be appreciated...SFtrooper

Yes they are ex4 files meaning you cannot open it. In other words the author doesnt want you to see or mess up the code.


Thanks for the reply, but I think I mis-stated the question...Where can I find the downloads for the exe files to download to the expert folder...the ones I attempted to download come over with bad file ext's, and will not work??

Thanks for all the time and effort you put forth with these sites, it's greatly appreciated by those of us still learning


Thanks for the reply, but I think I mis-stated the question...Where can I find the downloads for the exe files to download to the expert folder...the ones I attempted to download come over with bad file ext's, and will not work?? Thanks for all the time and effort you put forth with these sites, it's greatly appreciated by those of us still learning SFtrooper

Oh im sorry SF. I misunderstood you.

The first page of my thread in FF i think it is there where i normally put them.
