newbie needs help - page 5

Besides that a lot of brokers will allow you to get your account or move an existing account for personal or bad management reasons, some give you bonuses depending on your first deposit.

Hey Terry, just wondering about the bonuses or allowance that brokers are handig to traders? Where do I apply?


for newbie could try trading with a demo account before start trading with real account. with a demo account we can get trading skills in preparation for the start of our trading. so we will be able to trade with a maximum

hello, this is funkade, a nembie and hoping to learn as much as i can here. will need all the help i can get to stand and stand well. in the meantime let me read all i can lay my hand on. thanksfunkadeGod Loves you all

Thanks, nice decision there for wanting to learn as much as possible, it is the first step great forex traders make. You would soon get to be hearing about the fundamentals and technical analysis. Technical tools are been paraded about the market and you could easily fall to them. I would thus advise you to start learning with Price Action. Price Action is a form of technical analysis that focuses solely on past prices that have traded in the market It is such an effectiveto start. Price act ion will never lie to us, as traders, because it never purports to tell us what WILL happen; but rather it only tells us what HAS happened.


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