Get Forex Experience Faster Using a Trading Simulator - page 2


Many thanks, will give this a go.



Yes, It is free. You can use it the time you want, 24/7. This is like real life; you can find calendars, periodicity, languages, currencies, etc.

This is very useful, try it on!

Good luck!


Does this allow for multiple entries? I have a strategy that uses multiple entries.



I wanna ask if some of you have tips to work with MT4???

Thank you guys!


I´ll trust in you, this is my first software I´m going to use.

I hope it goes well



I have found a great way to simulate using Mt4 (nothing agaist the simulater mentioned in this thread)

I use the stratagy tester...not to run test but to paper trade systems...

I created a basic EA that does not place trades and it just runs on the tester you then apply your indicators ans start the test lets use a MACD for example... if MACD goes above "0" we buy below we the simulator/stratagy tester move forward and when you see the MACD cross you paper trade that signal. Now of course you need other rules to follow TP and SL, MM other indicators as well but you get what Im saying! this is the easiest way to backtest a stratagy that you may be wanting to try at least it works for me Of course its still old data and not realtime but it does the Job. hope this helps with people looking to Backtest thier systems you will need to keep track of the trades on paper since its not a true trade simulater but it will at least show you if the system can be profitable..

hope I helped someone

Here is a great tool to help you get experince faster, by trading on a simulated market. You can enter and exit trades like you would in a real market, so it gives you a more realistic feeling. You can speed it up, and slow it down as well. I have been able to practice trade a month in about 1 hour using this tool. The system runs in MetaTrader 4 When learning to trade, there's no substitute for experience. A trader who has spent many months trading a live market will have a feel for the market that is almost impossible to explain. They will see the pitfalls in some stuations by just recognising similar price action. If you have this experience, you will know exactly what I'm talking about, if you don't have it yet, you wont. A live market is very different from looking back through charts or backtesting. When you backtest, you can see the bars that are coming, and there is no real stress involved. It's easy to see what signals would have worked, and which ones did not. When it comes to trading for real, you can't see what's coming, and that is a very different dynamic indeed. Using this tool, you can trade a few months in only a few hours and then easily print out the results, and see how you well you did. You can also make mistakes and recognise them in a safe situation. Granted it's not as real as using live money but its 10 times more realistic than backtesting. If you treat it as a challenge, it actually creates a pretty realistic view of how well you could potentially do with any system or method. I personally think it's the second best learning aid there is. Number 1 is live trading but that can be expensive!

Can't get it to open properly. what am I doing wrong. when I open the installer, there is no MT4 folder it says expert folder.


Thanks. Been looking for a 4x simulator, even better that it in MT4.


Awesome tool, Thank you very much!