MUST CHECK! Most Advance Economic Calendar for Forex - page 12


I see man, many thanks for the reply. Don't worry about not trading this month, surely you must get heaps of donations?! If you don't I will be astounded. People get tons of donations for coding secret indicators or eas etc which don't work

Ok so lastly, for the 5th where it was stated the direction would be up, but the release wasn't as expected, I assume this 80pip loss just has to be taken because we didn't know anything soon enough?

I've been reading the thread since the beginning, is the real time info not to be embedded to make the advanced calendar? Is it possible to manually get hold of the info soon after release?

I'm still amazed at how sweet this program is! It deserves more recognition and you should be free to continue programming in my opinion.. why can't traders who have used it for a month start giving donations so this is possible? I'm confused!

Anyway, do you think the pip targets of 30,50 and 80 ever need to dynamically change to be in tune with the average of the latest news releases, just because I'm assuming every year will become more different and volatility compared to the certain news event *could* vary.

Then again I can see that the pip targets are quite the minimum, as you can tell by the comparison of the max pips available! It is quite amazing, thanks again,


There are two excellent calendar about forex available and they both happen to be free.

The first one is from and it's an extremely through calendar.

The second economic calendar that you should be aware of is from



Really good calendar.

Can you add UK to the time zones rather than having to do it manually?

I read the wrong time by leaving it on GMT this morning. I'm getting confused as This calendar has one time, my actual time is a different time and my server time on mt4 is a different time!!

Thanks, would be very beneficial!!



Can I ask why when compared to forexfactory you only have a fraction of the news releases? Example today they have 24 for Tuesday 10th August, but the calendar you have only has 5?

Its a very good calendar, just curious as to why you have much less?

I await your reply


any reply?


why does the calendar get all the times wrong?

i was just on GMT and had a event at 13:30 now it says 19:00 for the same event, whats the reason for this?