Kolachi Method of Trading - page 53


Hi Novativa,

There was only one lesson to learn from it that greed never pays. There is no short cut. When we violate the rules, market sometimes pays a little for it but a time comes when market takes back all that it had given to us along with a heavy interest on it.

Like humans some times we want to break the rules and then market reminds us that you are no exception.


Mr.Kolachi, Would you share these to learn? Experience is the best teacher. Thank you! Kind regards.

Weekly Performance

Month: September, 2008

Week: 09-16th day

Equity Change: +17.44%

Pips Pefromance: +860 pips


Plz note that chart only reflects trades of this week. I dont know why previous trades since 9th are not visible.


Hi Mr Kolachi,

I am a newbie in forex what is wma?is it on metatrader platform?Please give me the full meaning.


WMA is a type of moving average, namely weighted moving average, which has multiplying factors to give weights to differenrt data points. For instance, in a n-day WMA, the latest day has weight n, the second latest, n-1, etc etc .... Basically a WMA will response faster to price changes than an EMA, but will be less smoothed than the latter I guess that's why in this method a WMA is used as the trigger for entering a trade. WMAs as well as all kind of MA's are readily available on any kind of trading platform you'll found, including obviously MT4 Moving averages are the base of the technical analysis.


Best Reply. I could not explain better than that.


WMA is a type of moving average, namely weighted moving average, which has multiplying factors to give weights to differenrt data points. For instance, in a n-day WMA, the latest day has weight n, the second latest, n-1, etc etc .... Basically a WMA will response faster to price changes than an EMA, but will be less smoothed than the latter I guess that's why in this method a WMA is used as the trigger for entering a trade. WMAs as well as all kind of MA's are readily available on any kind of trading platform you'll found, including obviously MT4 Moving averages are the base of the technical analysis.

Thanks Mr juju83 and Mr Kolachi.Pls could it be the one that is called linear weighted average on metatrader?


Yes Linear WMA is usually called WMA.


Thanks Mr juju83 and Mr Kolachi.Pls could it be the one that is called linear weighted average on metatrader?

Please Mr Kolachi, I am really impressed about what I have read on this tread and I would want to trade kolachi trading system but I WANT TO GET THE REAL UNDERSTANDING.Help.


Hello Mr.Kolachi

I have study all of your great efforts and hard work . You worked hard not only for yourself but for all the world with out any rewards, and this is your greatness.Thank you again for your nice work and efforts.

I am a new one in this field and also on this forum. I require a little attention from your side .As I want to learn from your experience .I have study the system and i like it . In future i will asked you some questions about it , so please guide me . I hope that you will not be disappoint me.

Thanks and Regards



I am willing to answer any question related to KM. Please post it or send me email.


Please Mr Kolachi, I am really impressed about what I have read on this tread and I would want to trade kolachi trading system but I WANT TO GET THE REAL UNDERSTANDING.Help.