Kolachi Method of Trading - page 74


This system is here for two years and still relevant.



Anybody still using the method ?



Yes all of my students and me still using the system. One of my students told me last week that he is earning 1000 pips consistently each month.

No doubt Kolachi Methods are one of the best tools any trader can use to trade the forex market. I have dozens of written emails and chat messages which show that traders are using KM and earning good pips. I do not post testimonials usually because I want others to know me as a trader than a marketeer.


Anybody still using the method ?

Thanks for sharing. I'm eager to learn the Kolachi method!


Weekly Performance

Month: June, 2009

Week: 05-12 th day

Pips Peformance: 0 pips

Eq. Change (week): 0%

Eq. Change (2009): +67.87%


Note: No Trading in this week.


Weekly Performance

Month: June, 2009

Week: 12-19th day

Pips Peformance: +335 pips

Eq. Change (week): +6.91%

Eq. Change (2009): +74.78%



Is this chart an example of Diplomatic channel?



I do not fully understand what lines you are referring to in your chart as it is quite loaded. I can simply tell you that diplomatic channel is when price and/or wma5 is stuck up between two kolachi emas.

For instance, price may be stuck in ema21 and ema55 or ema55 and ema100 etc.



Hi all,

Looking at the daily eur/usd chart, we can see that wma5 had tested ema21 (yellow) previously and partially crossed through it into the diplomatic channel of 2155 but could not stay there. Once again wma5 is testing ema21 and it is expected that it would cross ema21 this time to reach ema55 (cyan) at 1.3805. any move below that is not expected at the moment.



Chart of recent trades in eur/jpy with results: +9 (long), +4 (short) and +12 (short). In total +25 pips.


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