ZeroCode Beta 2 Status - page 7


hello when the version will be you it available and has which price


im getting a error code from my ea ( 4109 ) can anyone explain this?

Trade Not Allowed ... this comes from the server, and often happens during fast moving times, like news.

hello when the version will be you it available and has which priceplease?

No release date yet. It would be available at no cost to active fxfisherman members.

I need resources (time, money, workforce, motivation) to pursue this project. And... I don't have them currently (for this project). It is going to be delayed or canceled, unless you guys sponsor the development team.


After few exper. with pay programers [give ideas, rooles, screens and then wait, give more info, wait, next info and than no answere] i think is good idea to sponsore u for program something good, creatable. Just try do some smoler group of people able to sponsore u or ask some orders for software an deside to do some price and maybe will work. Should be much chiper than giving ideas to payprogramers and if is good system, thay have good system and u nothink. [that way the price is only 100 USD or so].

Will be very sed to stop ur developing.


No release date yet. It would be available at no cost to active fxfisherman members.I need resources (time, money, workforce, motivation) to pursue this project. And... I don't have them currently (for this project). It is going to be delayed or canceled, unless you guys sponsor the development team.

I don't want to cancel this project either. It's just I'm paying my own money to run this forum as well as to develop free software for you. I used to get sponsored by advertisers, but due to sabotage attempt by the evil Richard Henry owner of, the revenue stream was gone. (I hope he goes to hell for destroying us. May all his businesses go bankrupt for he is being so evil.)

Most programmers nowadays charge around $200 for developing a full featured EA with TP/SL, trailing stop and hedging. It could go as high as $400 for grid and complex system. ZeroCode would be all free for you to create unlimited full-featured EAs and indicators. This tool could save you thousands of dollar hiring programmers.

I'm not asking any money from you. Just want to say that if you want to save money or even make money off your home-made EAs, sponsor this project. Contact me if you want to.

I don't want to cancel this project either. It's just I'm paying my own money to run this forum as well as to develop free software for you. I used to get sponsored by advertisers, but due to sabotage attempt by the evil Richard Henry owner of, the revenue stream was gone. (I hope he goes to hell for destroying us. May all his businesses go bankrupt for he is being so evil.)Most programmers nowadays charge around $200 for developing a full featured EA with TP/SL, trailing stop and hedging. It could go as high as $400 for grid and complex system. ZeroCode would be all free for you to create unlimited full-featured EAs and indicators. This tool could save you thousands of dollar hiring programmers.I'm not asking any money from you. Just want to say that if you want to save money or even make money off your home-made EAs, sponsor this project. Contact me if you want to.

How do u what to sponsore this project? What the way to do it? How we can help? What we can do for u?


marko, i can accept check. But it seems you're the only one who wants to support this project. It's not possible unless there're many supporters (assuming that most sponsors contribute small sum of money). I asked a software programmer who would develop ZeroCode for $2,000 if I join him in developing another half.


Hi All,

I'm a newbie to the forum. I would like to offer my help with this project. I am an electronics engineer and have experience with software and web development. My software knowledge consists of Visual Basic, C++, PHP, Flash, Mysql , Apache server.

I also run Linux and Windows 3K servers as a small business. I have been running this business (hobby) for the past 10yrs, no profit but it has payed for itself .

I have developed an approach that I intend on posting soon to this site. I think I will call it something like NSL(No Stop Loss) Expert. Basically you look at a combo of MACD, RSI, and EAs. If certain criteria meet then u set a Buy or Sell stop and let it go! I am working on the exit portion. To this moment I target 100 (on day entry) and 10 (on hourly entry). That;s why I am working on an exit strat, I usually end up giving alot of pips up .

Anyhow, hope I can help.



I really wish to help fund your project scorpion but im just a 19 year old young guy without much money.Hopefully, when i get better at forex , i'll be able to contribute back to the community . Mainly, Thank you so much scorpion for taking out your own money and time for creating the zerocode without expecting anything in return. You are truly a noble man . I really do wish you success in persuing all of your goals in life. May god bless you .



Thanks guys for spiritual supports. We can work this out without financial support. I can write off $2,000 of my money to fund this project. What do you know, some brokers are going to pay this cost afterwards.