ZeroCode Beta 2 Status - page 2


Some suggestions:

- Once a bar -> Only take the 1st buy signal on bar. Next bar should accept buy again.

- Time functions: Like seconds since buy. Close at 20:00.

- More than previous. Instead of "MA previous" "MA[7] to look 7 bars back.


Hi everybody,

Is possible work with 2 or more periodicity simultaneously (5 min, 1h, 4h etc). ? One time do verify some conditions and other to execute the trade.

If not, i would like suggest this.

Good job Scorpion....

Thanks !


Multiple timeframes is impossible in metatrader 3.xx/mql, as it is mql's limitation.



I'd like to announce that future release of ZeroCode MAY NOT support MetaTrader 4 experts; however, I will give full support to MQL. The reason is not because of techinical deficulty, but the unreasonable decision of MetaQuotes over Client API. Read more at and .

I don't want to do so, but MetaQuotes is forcing me, and I have no choice. I am discouraged to adopt a new platform which is not benefitial to my trading program.

Anyway, I am with MQL and willing to give as much as effort for this platform.

Good luck,



It's a great pity ZeroCode mq4 support looks like being dropped. I for one was looking forward to seeing that feature but I understand the frustration and disappointment you have with MetaQuotes' not supplying the Client API.

It makes no sense to me nor have they explained their reasoning to not make it available. They really are a frustrating bunch to deal with.



Again, I'm sorry about this decision; however, you are welcomed to suggest a few points that I should continue MQ4 support.

My decision is if MetaQuotes continued Client API for MT4, I would continue mq4 support for ZeroCode.



Well, I'd have to say this :-

- should MetaQuotes pigheadedness be the cause of suffering for other traders who want to have ZeroCode support ?

- more people using ZeroCode under MT4 will come to appreciate the platform and perhaps be more people who can voice the need for the Client API ?

- I've heard there are a few current brokers now considering Metatrader since MT4 has now been released. ZeroCode will be great for these brokers' customers.

- I'm sure there are a lot of current Metatrader users who would prefer NOT to use MT3 (I'm one of them)

Would anyone else like to chime in with other reasons why sc0rpi0n should continue ZeroCode MT4 support ?



All valid points you made Martin.

Even the authors don't want us to use MT3. They didn't invest so much time in MT4 to let users stay with MT3.

Let's assume all goes well for metaquotes and all MT3 brokers start using MT4.

What does that mean for MT3? Can we for example still get demo/real accounts that support MT3? If not is there a good reason to stay on the MT3 path?


Probably a long shot but I know a bloke who's looking at becoming the Australian agent for a new broker, Finevo.

They look like launching around August. They've commissioned the authors of XTick to integrate their charting package with a well known and stable backend trading platform (the name of the company escapes my aging memory).

Finevo are also in discussions with StrategyBuilder to offer Metatrader support thus giving them a ready made base of traders.

I've asked the fellow I know to ask Finevo for feedback on [a] how long Finevo would support MT3 (and therefore the current API) if they obtain a Client API for MT4 whether they'd be looking to give this away to current MT3 Client API users and [c] whether the XTick Trading Backend also has an API and the details of same if it exists.

Will keep posted on an answer early next week supposedly. As I said, a long shot but worth the price of a chat and an email.



Don't forget to post the answers I'm very intrested!