can we open a real account in MetaQuotes?

can we open a real account in MetaQuotes?
can we open a real account in MetaQuotes?
No,  you have to use a Broker.

thank you

MetaQuotes Corp whether contract with the broker to get the market price ?

if they don't have any contract .This information comes from where?

Do not warry about MetaQuotes - MQ is providing metatrader to many brokers, and most of them are existing only because of MQ.

MetaTrader 5 Gateways & Connectivity Liquidity Providers (ECNs) :

Liquidity Providers (ECNs)

ECNs (Electronic Communication Networks) provide liquidity when using MetaTrader 5. We have developed gateways to the most well-known providers, and any MetaTrader 5 broker can now make use of their services:

  1. Integral
  2. CitiFX Pro
  3. Hotspot FX
  4. FastMatch
  5. Currenex

Our gateways not only give access to liquidity providers but also provide maximum speed of executing operations. Moreover, these gateways are fairly simple and secure solutions allowing brokers to quickly connect to a provider and use its services.

Stock Exchanges

MetaTrader 5 has been developed as a multi-market platform. Nowadays, it can be used not only for arranging Forex trading but also for working on stock exchanges:

  1. Moscow Exchange (former RTS)
  2. Singapore Mercantile Exchange (SMX)
  3. Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange (DGCX)
  4. Global Board of Trade (GBOT)
  5. BM&FBOVESPA (Brazilian stock exchange)
  6. Ukrainian Exchange
  7. Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)
  8. Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE)
  9. Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)
  10. Turkish Derivatives Exchange (TURKDEX)

Besides, using Metatrader 5 - you can open accounts with many brokers - look at here :

if they don't have any contract .This information comes from where?
MetaQuotes make the software that you and the Broker uses,  the Broker is a customer of MetaQuotes,  you are a customer of the Broker.  The prices you get on your MT5 Terminal come direct from your Broker.

thank you very much.

very helpful
Hello does anyone know how I can log into the app 
Milan Mil:
Hello does anyone know how I can log into the app 

Find Metatrader broker (there are a lot of Metatrader brokers, use google to find), and open the account according to their condition on their websites.

1. The article - - User Memo

2. MetaTrader 4 Help - Open an Account

3. Where Do I start from? 

4.  MetaTrader 4 Help - Trading Platform — User Manual 

5. How to make a search on the forum 

6. Find a Server by the Broker's Name:

Opening of Accounts - Getting Started - MetaTrader 4 Help
Opening of Accounts - Getting Started - MetaTrader 4 Help
Terminal allows to work with two types of accounts: demo accounts and real accounts. Demo accounts enable working under training conditions...