shorten double



how can I shorten double values in a reliable way.

I want to have double with a max digits of 6.

I tried several ways
- doubleToString(double,6) -  and back to double
- NormalizeDouble(double,6)

but all ways are not reliable.

If there is a double which is 0.69644 and I make NormalizDouble the result is 0.969439999999999999

The problem is that the given doubles sometimes has less then 6 digits and some of them have up to 16 digits. So, how can I handle this that the result is max (!) 6 digits.

Thank you very much


Doubles are stored in binary, and unfortunately many numbers don't have a finite representation in binary. That is what causes these seemingly strange results.

There is nothing you can do about how the number is stored, but you can control the way it is displayed by using StringFormat, PrintFormat, DoubleToString etc.

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