Frieder Kauber
Frieder Kauber
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Frieder Kauber
Added topic Hiding Issue with a panel
Hello everyone, I have a question regarding Hiden and restoring a panel. When I hide certain objects in my panel and then minimize and restore the panel, all the objects that are supposed to be hidden are shown again. How can I restore the panel so
Frieder Kauber
Added topic Catch the checkbox event
Hello all, I tried to make a panel with a checkbox, It works well, but how can I catch the checkboxevent (is checked or not) Some advices are apreciated, thank you Greetings //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Frieder Kauber
Added topic MT4 hang after Sleep Mode
Hello at all, I have programmed a quite extensive EA, multicurrency with many built-in indicators and graphical elements . Now it is the case that when the computer switches to sleep mode in between and I reactivate it, the whole MT4 hangs
Frieder Kauber
Added topic Chart data loaded?
How do I know that all chart data is loaded? Sometimes the indicator already starts to calculate although it is still missing a few candles. For example, if you close the terminal in the evening and open it again in the morning. Then it sometimes
Frieder Kauber
Added topic higher timframe control in lower timeframe
Hello all, what is the best way to control a higher timeframe in a smaller one. In other words, how can I programmatically determine when a 4H candle ends (or begins) in a lower timeframe? Is this only possible via the time? The reason is the
Frieder Kauber
Added topic pass struct array by reference
Hello, I want to know how to pass an array which is in another array struct to a function by reference. struct SRLines {    string name;    double price; }; struct CiCSupAndResLines // Support and Resistance Line from SmartLine
Frieder Kauber
Added topic Difference between terminal start and indicator start
Hell everybody, here is my question: Is there a difference between terminal start (with a chart template which contains my indicator) and an indicator start (drag n drop from indicator list into the chart) ? The background is I made an indicator
Frieder Kauber
Added topic mini PC for MT4
Hello, I want to run 2 or 3 MT4´s with a minicomputer. Each MT4 should manage 10-15 charts. Each chart has an EA.  The idea is, it should run day and night without a monitor. I want to manage it with remotedesktop connection. Right, the same as
Frieder Kauber
Added topic iForce
Hello, I´m experimenting with the iForce indicator. And now I want that mt4 give a signal(arrow) as soon as the iForce indicator reach a defined value. May be 0.2. I tried it with this way. if(iForce(NULL,0,1,0,PRICE_HIGH,1) >= 0.2){
Frieder Kauber
Added topic shorten double
Hello, how can I shorten double values in a reliable way. I want to have double with a max digits of 6. I tried several ways - doubleToString(double,6) -  and back to double - NormalizeDouble(double,6) but all ways are not reliable. If there is
Frieder Kauber
Added topic Array member remove
Hello, I have an array with struct members. The struct is also including strings. struct test{ string a; int b;}; test arr[ 5 ]; //now I filled the complete array with data.... arr[ 0 ].a = "active" ; arr[ 0 ].b = 555 ; arr[ 1 ].a = ... //...and so
Frieder Kauber
Added topic How to build a random number
Hello, I want to have a random number between 280 and 340 at the beginning of my EA.‌ So, I tried to make it in the onInit() But they have all the same value when I have, maybe, 5 charts with the same EA and I restart Metatrader and they load all at
Frieder Kauber
Added topic Resize Chart Window event
Hello, I want to place a button with mt4gui lib on the right side. And with this lib is not possible to choose the "CORNER _RIGHT_UPPER". So I have to recalculate the Chart size, but I don´t wanna do this every tick but if the chart window is resized
Frieder Kauber
Added topic Web connection MT4
Hello, I need to have a link functionality in MT4. How can I make an object, button or text on my chart which I can click and a website is opened in Browser? Thank you
Frieder Kauber
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