Some thing interesting-our MQL Legend Heroes

Hi to all.

 First,this is a temporary threads Title name,i needs your valued suggestions for a proper name regarding thread.

   As you all knows well,every field of life there are Heroes,national and international,from holy prophets to kings,queens,war heroes,politicians,freedom fighters,scholars of all sort knowledge,games (athletes),media (including every related topic),writers,poets,space, science and technology and so on a long list.
   I am talking about specifically MQL coders/developers.
   I think we all have not recognized them as much they deserves.why we cant consider our MQL programming personals our Legend Heroes,and why till now nobody present a tribute for their developing hard work.when millions and billions peoples/users got benefits and are getting and will get in future too. though it has not so long past history of MQL programming,is about only 100 years or less (plz correct me) but look at number of individuals who knows them and using their creations in daily life internationally,their work is not limited to one country,nation,race,continent but  they are well known globally,and their work is serving around the globe.
   I think mostly MQL coding work is in English language but there are so many good coders in Russian and of course in other languages too.
   I do not and never intend to look in some one personal life,but as we think them our beloved Heroes and we like and love them sincerely so we want know more about them,same as all lovers wish know about their STARs,some of their personal history,some pictures of their childhood,young age and current one.

   I like mention few names for example,mladen,Igor Durkin,mrtools,cja,ferrufx,nikolay kositsin,codergurru .....

   And the rest i hope,our developers and other experts will be introduce with some details about their work and personal history.



Some more names (not a final list though :)) :

  • KimIV
  • qpwr
  • ANG3110
  • Rosh
  • Bookeper
  • GammaRat

Some more names (not a final list though :)) :

  • KimIV
  • qpwr
  • ANG3110
  • Rosh
  • Bookeper
  • GammaRat

Dearest MLADEN

One very important and interesting question for you .... who is your favorite coder,who is your STAR in mql programing,you are impressed by ?


Dearest MLADEN

One very important and interesting question for you .... who is your favorite coder,who is your STAR in mql programing,you are impressed by ?

Not a mql coder, but ...

We are more thankful than we can express

Hi, Mr mntiwana.

Why did you delete your post? :):):)

big thanks to all!!!

Hi, Mr mntiwana.

Why did you delete your post? :):):)

I deleted because it was not that i posted,i think there is some problem at site.

Not a mql coder, but ...

Dearest mladen

So you like him for his work,achievements and development study regarding computer science,math and physics.

though mql is a tiny part of computer programing languages but how you got interested specifically in this and there must be a role model in your imagine ,at least in early years,i guess 1970-80,when you started mql coding,who was at that time or of whom work you liked as your favorite mql coder.



Dearest mladen

So you like him for his work,achievements and development study regarding computer science,math and physics.

though mql is a tiny part of computer programing languages but how you got interested specifically in this and there must be a role model in your imagine ,at least in early years,i guess 1970-80,when you started mql coding,who was at that time or of whom work you liked as your favorite mql coder.


I did not start mql coding then (my first coding language was cobol, then fortran, then C, then pascal, ... I lost count how many coding languages I have learned over the years. I still miss good old cobol 81 when I was able to make in a 64K partition using 8 parallel threads a code that processed 2.000.000 records on an 8MHz  8bit computer in 2 minutes - let them try to do the same on today monster machines - the "progress" is not always forward)

As of Wolfram : he made (coded single handed from the first line of code to the last) Mathematica - this Mathematica : - first version - when he was 16.

For example : did you know that google search engine was bought from Wolfram (with all the money they have, they could not make what he made and they had to buy it from him)? We could go on and on (check just this :, but that man is from some other place :) And if he does not know to make the holly grail nobody does :)


I did not start mql coding then (my first coding language was cobol, then fortran, then C, then pascal, ... I lost count how many coding languages I have learned over the years. I still miss good old cobol 81 when I was able to make in a 64K partition using 8 parallel threads a code that processed 2.000.000 records on an 8MHz  8bit computer in 2 minutes - let them try to do the same on today monster machines - the "progress" is not always forward)

As of Wolfram : he made (coded single handed from the first line of code to the last) Mathematica - this Mathematica : - first version - when he was 16.

For example : did you know that google search engine was bought from Wolfram (with all the money they have, they could not make what he made and they had to buy it from him)? We could go on and on (check just this :, but that man is from some other place :) And if he does not know to make the holly grail nobody does :)

Dearest MLADEN

 So much interesting and precious information's,i am thankful to my true lord who encouraged me to ask your hidden corners,no doubts interesting and useful for every body.till today we were limited to our mql concerns.

so "Stephen Wolfram" is your role model and HERO.
