Some thing interesting-our MQL Legend Heroes - page 3

Perhaps i was over estimated ...... you are thinking on your side (one way)
I don't think that my ugly face would be a pleasure to see to anybody :)
I don't think that my ugly face would be a pleasure to see to anybody :)

Boss you are trying disheartened,frightened and discouraging me,but you cant ever :):)

Beauty of face is not all and every thing,there are numerous aspects and reasons to be loved,respected and honored,if i accept your logic for a moment,80 to 90 percent of total humanity counted out of much percentage we can say are beautiful in out look,what about Barack Obama ....... soft heart,pretty soul,positive thinking,polite behave and long practical serving career (without any greed and expected reward) is far higher than any high ranked out look,especially in the current era.

Also you are not as,as you describing your self,i know your FB page :)


I don't think that my ugly face would be a pleasure to see to anybody :)
I heard BOTOX acts like a Super Smoother...drop another filter...and you'll look 18 again :)
I heard BOTOX acts like a Super Smoother...drop another filter...and you'll look 18 again :)
:) If it was that easy :)
:) If it was that easy :)
Let us wait for some experienced user :)


Oh yes,i forgot to mention a well known name "hanover" 55 years old david hanover from

Hamilton, New Zealand,his mostly work at FF.


Dearest MLADEN

 Do you remember a name of any of your intellectual student/pupil regarding mql programming,you think can be your subordinate dependent/independent some day.

Mladen Rakic:

Not a mql coder, but ...

I heavily agree. I am following him even before the Internet advent...