Important!!!! Read now - page 11

why i cant post to others thread , i always getting error ?

"Method Not Implemented

POST to /newreply.php not supported."

Are you trying to post a link in the post?

If yes, try without the link first (as you can see, you could post at this thread and you are not the owner of this thread either)

Are you trying to post a link in the post? If yes, try without the link first (as you can see, you could post at this thread and you are not the owner of this thread either)

No i did not post any link at the post , i just post a "close all profit question" at the "coding help" thread .

Have add some code at it only , but dont know why always getting this error ???

No i did not post any link at the post , i just post a "close all profit question" at the "coding help" thread . Have add some code at it only , but dont know why always getting this error ???

Frankly, I don't know

I am not having problems, and as I see the others are posting too. Did you try using another browser or cleaning the browser cache?


Yes mee too , i also saw that others member is posting without problem .

I will try others way .

I'm as sober as can be now, I only drink beer when it's very hot or once in a while when there's a party, which happens not often. I do not have to be drunk to say some crazy things, it's in my very nature.

dear wulong,

(it's in my very nature. ) lovely and i love it.


Yes mee too , i also saw that others member is posting without problem . I will try others way .

Probably something in the browser cache


I do not know when exactly will the migration take place

But since one of the changes that will happen (as I am told) is that elite and advanced section items are going to be equal to all other sections - meaning : they will be free and no membership will be needed to access any of those items, while we are waiting for that to happen, please post your requests regarding those sections items


PS: my intention is not to duplicate the content. If there is something that is needed to be done on those items, temporarily it will be done here and posted here so that everybody can download those items. Otherwise, in order to avoid confusion, please wait till the sections do get opened, and then all the work will again be transferred there )to keep the thing at their origin)

step ma PDF please please....... i can't wait no more :-)

Richard Sidric:
step ma PDF please please....... i can't wait no more :-)

But I can (wait) ________________

As I tried to explain : there will be no duplication of posts, nor will be "sending on requests" (you should see my PM box ) - that would not be good because it could cause a chaos.

But I can (wait) ________________ As I tried to explain : there will be no duplication of posts, nor will be "sending on requests" (you should see my PM box ) - that would not be good because it could cause a chaos.

I have never tested any elite tool because we guys in Africa (middle of no where, where reliable internet is a big problem) have a difficult time in trying to get those payment options, it can literally cost me an arm to acquire pay-pal or master-card for instance. So i just watch in awe all the elite tools that are posted. From all the pictures i have seen, Step ma PDF is a master piece and i can't stop thanking you for that work. That's why I'm so anxious :-)

Richard Sidric:
I have never tested any elite tool because we guys in Africa (middle of no where, where reliable internet is a big problem) have a difficult time in trying to get those payment options, it can literally cost me an arm to acquire pay-pal or master-card for instance. So i just watch in awe all the elite tools that are posted. From all the pictures i have seen, Step ma PDF is a master piece and i can't stop thanking you for that work. That's why I'm so anxious :-)

Judging from what you told, you already have learned to be patient too, so use that part now for a little while