Important!!!! Read now


As you all have noticed some big changes are happening

As a part of that change, tomorrow at 08:00 GMT will start one more session of migration that will last about 3 hours. During that migration, the posts that are going to be posted are probably going to be lost. So please limit the postings during those 3 hours to posts that you can afford to loose

As soon as the migration is completed, a new announcement will be posted (we do not want to block the site during that migration since we feel that it better that we allow users to normally download stuff as usually, then to risk loosing a couple of posts that can after that be re-posted)

happy trading to all


Lost in Migration. I'm curious what will be announced 11 a.m GMT. Is it a.m?

Lost in Migration. I'm curious what will be announced 11 a.m GMT. Is it a.m?

Yep it is 11:00 AM

And not all changes will be announced tomorrow. But, as I already told, some of the changes are going to delight you all


You know that this is torture? No teaser at all, that's really not fair. That's why we in Germany get our Christmas presents at Christmas eve, not on Christmas day or on Holy Three Kings day.

You know that this is torture? No teaser at all, that's really not fair. That's why we in Germany get our Christmas presents at Christmas eve, not on Christmas day or on Holy Three Kings day.


All I can say now, is that I have been told that among other things, there will be no more payed sections on forex-TSD. Draw your own conclusions. But I do not know the exact time line so I really prefer to leave the things happen first and talk about them then


I draw Hmm, hope my x indis for y $ offer will still exist then. The trading was so boring (NFP today) and reading wasn't more exciting either. Sorry for bothering you.

I draw Hmm, hope my x indis for y $ offer will still exist then. The trading was so boring (NFP today) and reading wasn't more exciting either. Sorry for bothering you.

Everything (posts, code, everything...) will continue to exist and will stay at this very forum. Everything


Just keeping this at the top of the list to make sure that as many as possible people see this


Ok, I'm excited to see what will happen. Hope it will stay my site number one ...

krelian99 All I can say now, is that I have been told that among other things, there will be no more payed sections on forex-TSD. Draw your own conclusions. But I do not know the exact time line so I really prefer to leave the things happen first and talk about them then

there will be no more payed sections on forex-TSD

Dearest MLADEN,

thanks for your concerns and updating us about things going to happens since about 2 weeks.......impatiently waiting new attractive things you already pointed out (some things going to happens good for members) you mentioned here,did you means,there will be some other place and format for having/purchasing Elite/Advance section indicators....and TSD forum will be only for rest of all other activities,we are doing already....thanks.

any way TSD site/server was down for now with me for 20 minutes (GMT+5) looks like they are working on some thing.



there will be no more payed sections on forex-TSD

Dearest MLADEN,

thanks for your concerns and updating us about things going to happens since about 2 weeks.......impatiently waiting new attractive things you already pointed out (some things going to happens good for members) you mentioned here,did you means,there will be some other place and format for having/purchasing Elite/Advance section indicators....and TSD forum will be only for rest of all other activities,we are doing already....thanks.

any way TSD site/server was down for now with me for 20 minutes (GMT+5) looks like they are working on some thing.




Please see this :