Important!!!! Read now - page 10


Nothing lasts longer than an interim solution.

Kerdo2000, we all sit in the same boat and haven't access to the sweet pie. Wait! is a very important vocable this week. I tip next weekend, but don't take me by the word.

Nothing lasts longer than an interim solution. Kerdo2000, we all sit in the same boat and haven't access to the sweet pie. Wait! is a very important vocable this week. I tip next weekend, but don't take me by the word.


i am also ready and greedy for to enjoy cherry and berry on the cake.


Hello masters of coding ...

Could you please add the new prices to this one ? Adding some more averages might be also a good thing.

I decided to post it here, since it's an Elite thingie, but maybe it's better posted in the RSI thread ...

Krelian, i am also ready and greedy for to enjoy cherry and berry on the cake.

READY ....STEADY ....GO !!!!!

My Border Collie gets wild when I say the word READY, when she hears STEADY she doesn't move a thing, and at the GO, I throw a ball that is caught as fast as lightning...

So keep your attention steady ...

Hello masters of coding ...

Could you please add the new prices to this one ? Adding some more averages might be also a good thing.

I decided to post it here, since it's an Elite thingie, but maybe it's better posted in the RSI thread ...


Try it out now : rsioma_nrp_mtfalertslines_3.mq4


Hey, Mladen, you are almost as fast as my doggie ! MERCI !!!

Will try it out now, this evening it will not work out, it will be another 'beer' evening....

Wulong ...


Fantastic, these new prices !!!

Hey, Mladen, you are almost as fast as my doggie ! MERCI !!!

Will try it out now, this evening it will not work out, it will be another 'beer' evening....

Wulong ...

Dear Wulong,

since yesterday,i am feeling and noticing,you are drunken more than usual,words slipping from your fingering unevenly,hope you got back soon normal,thanks.



I'm as sober as can be now, I only drink beer when it's very hot or once in a while when there's a party, which happens not often.

I do not have to be drunk to say some crazy things, it's in my very nature.


why i cant post to others thread , i always getting error ?

"Method Not Implemented

POST to /newreply.php not supported."