How to be successful in forex business? - page 2


Well, levels y'know.

Ashwell John:
Hello mate,

I am new in forex-tsd. I just started forex business. Now I want to know how should I do to be successful in forex business?

Any ideas and suggestion will be highly valuable!


I Think Training & Demo Account From 5 Years to 10 years

After This I think you will can Trade in Live Account

if you want Know Where You From Traders Go To Contests Brokers its Good

Good Luck


First of all, get ready to long aand hard work. Becoming a successful tradit is marathon and not sprint.


Forex Trading is never a easy business, as mentioned you need to keep learning. but to begin with, i would like to suggest that you should know the basics of trading. like there are 2 most important branches of trading: FUNDAMENTAL(about the economy) AND TECHNICAL(learning through charts).

>you should be aware of the global economies.

>keep a keen look over any important data to be released.

>later on you will learn to put strategies over your trade.

but something you should be more concerned about is the brokerage industry. the broker you choose is very important. there are lot of scams going on around the globe. Rather open a demo account, put some virtual trades, get some ideas. take your time till you are not confident on the trades you put. I hope this helps you.


How can someone trade without knowing the basics of trading?

How can someone trade without knowing the basics of trading?

Luck and gambling

Luck and gambling

I guess so too

I guess so too

But I am suspicious because gambling don't support always?

Ashwell John:
But I am suspicious because gambling don't support always?

Gambling is more a state of mind than anything else

Gambling is more a state of mind than anything else

+ "money management" like martingale and there you have it