Sorry to trouble but can anyone amend this code, and change the name:-

from original shown as 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 60 (all one colour)

change to ......

150 (white), 175 (red), 200 (white), 225 (red), 250 (white) and 300 (Red but at a width '2').

Rename indi Gmma_Major.



Sorry to trouble but can anyone amend this code, and change the name:-

from original shown as 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 60 (all one colour)

change to ......

150 (white), 175 (red), 200 (white), 225 (red), 250 (white) and 300 (Red but at a width '2').

Rename indi Gmma_Major.



TEAMTRADER, think I got it right try it out.


Thanks again. An incredible thought hit me when I checked it on a few charts.

One question - as a 'yes' or 'no' answer (as I know I will have to pay a coder to do this for me).

I've attached two charts (of the Dow but Fx charts would show the same result) - the first vertical being the ema's at the top of a move with the various ema values noted below and the second vertical being when the ema's were wider apart (in value in relation to the first vertical) BUT the price was lower.

The second chart is the result of the reversal.

Question - is it possible to get an alert/EA to show when these ema values are a certain value from the lowest to the highest ema when there is a high or low on the chart? Then having remembered this value, the price continues down (as in this example) but the values between the ema's continue to increase?

Thanks - a yes or no only please.



I have looked at it and it is not what I need as the alert indicator needs to be adjustable. Also, the indicator only shows when the ema's cross zero and not when the GMMA lines cross each other.

The normal GMMA is a set sequence of ema's, both short term and longer term, whereas I have devised a 'major' set of ema's that is used to reflect the point of reversal. The ordinary GMMA are of no use for locating a major point of convergence.

The prime question from me is whether or not and alert (and therefore an EA) can be made to show the difference between the ema net values (high ema - low ema value) at a high price of the chart, and within a candle or two with the price decreasing, the ema net value increasing (high - low value).

If the answer is yes then I will most certainly have to employ a coder to do this for the set parameters I have in mind as it should show the point of convergence for big move reversals.

Thanks anyway.

Question remains - can the above be achieved for an alert/EA?




New version of Guppy mma (with a detailed description of how to use gmma's) posted here :


New version of Guppy mma (with a detailed description of how to use gmma's) posted here :

Dearest MLADEN

Thanks for mt5 version .....  we already have "Averages GMMA nmc" mt4 ver, it is with 20 averages -mtf-interpolated (6 lines only). every time needs 2 instances for to create short/long

can we have with newest averages,prices and choice for periods and single instance for long/short.



Dearest MLADEN

Thanks for mt5 version .....  we already have "Averages GMMA nmc" mt4 ver, it is with 20 averages -mtf-interpolated (6 lines only). every time needs 2 instances for to create short/long

can we have with newest averages,prices and choice for periods and single instance for long/short.


ATTENTION: Video should be reuploaded

It will be done a it later

Hi Mladen / Mntiwana,

can you kindly share the MT4 version of this indicator.



Not a Gmma, but since it remind at it, posting it here

This is gaussian rainbow. Parameters are as usual, but a word of warning : setting order to higher than 10 is entering a gray zone where factorial for the last  value(s) is losing precision and then the values may become "wild" (those are in fact orders over 22) :)


Dearest MLADEN

Thanks for mt5 version .....  we already have "Averages GMMA nmc" mt4 ver, it is with 20 averages -mtf-interpolated (6 lines only). every time needs 2 instances for to create short/long

can we have with newest averages,prices and choice for periods and single instance for long/short.


ATTENTION: Video should be reuploaded

Try this I modified the mladen indicator, I hope this is allowed?


Try this I modified the mladen indicator, I hope this is allowed?

Dear Cja

First welcome here after a long break :)

Then so much thanks for kind help,it is pretty same like you ...... can you be kind a bit more by adding latest Averages and prices too along with periods options (enum),currently its fixed to (3, 5, 8,10,12,15,30,35,40,45,50,60) .
