For Those Looking for the "Grail" - page 3

It is a big difference if selling or leasing! Selling indicator you make money once and that's it. By renting it you make money each month. Renting creates income like stocks with dividend.

Pip I didn't meant to harm you only clear the muddy waters.

Cheers Hermes

herpes so leasing is not selling? They both create income apart from the fact one is a one time payment the other is spread out..

Are you sure you should be working in the financial area?

herpes so leasing is not selling? They both create income apart from the fact one is a one time payment the other is spread out.. Are you sure you should be working in the financial area?

Hi Philt,

I appreciate your participation in this thread but I do kindly ask that we keep to the topic of this thread.



Hi Philt,

I appreciate your participation in this thread but I do kindly ask that we keep to the topic of this thread.



Ok no problem..

Hi Philt,

I appreciate your participation in this thread but I do kindly ask that we keep to the topic of this thread.



Ok no problem..

Ok no problem..

Much appreciated

I invite you and Hermes, to get past the distraction and to consider the questions I posted in the first post and share with us your feedback. After all, we are all here to make trading easier for all of us and not to get at each other.




fell safe and fear make market move.


Who is "herpes"?

herpes so leasing is not selling? They both create income apart from the fact one is a one time payment the other is spread out.. Are you sure you should be working in the financial area?
Attempt to research for answers and you will be pleased with your findings. I am also here to help with direction should you get stuck.



Some more direction please Pip, I understand the markets but there's a jigsaw piece I simply can't fit in. I've sort of (dissapointingly) started to come to view FX as a long term investment vehicle than a means to earn a daily/weekly wage which doesn't fit paying the mortgage/bills very well

Any guidance would be appreciated, I have little faith in price action having looked into this for some time, for every good pin/engulf etc I could see several more failures, likewise for VSA (rice/volume) I don't see a correlation there either. I'd love to have made fibs or pivots work but none of it seems consistent enough to earn a living, and news produces moves which contradict the news which leaves me with a lot of head scratching.



Holy grail exists, I saw Indiana Jones found it. Seriously, all statements are true at one point or another : no one will share for free something that is worth gold, indicators just "indicate" and nothing else, and market just moves, so if you want to understand it, just study and you will win. Studying, working, that's all that matters, even selling crap requires a little time of studying and working... People looking for the holy grail either do not want to work, or are like Indiana Jones passionate about putting it in a museum.


Some reflections :

-Hmmm, the 'Holy Grail' will never exist, because nobody can predict the future. Mister Nobody who can will never tell ...

-I'm always curious about emails I get with 'Holy Grail Systems', which, of course will cost me money, after all it's a 'Holy Grail System' from Mister Noboby.

-What makes the market move ? Price.

-What makes price move ? The market.

-What makes price rise ? The buyers.

-What makes price fall ? The sellers.

-What makes price or the market flat ? There are too many sellers for the buyers to win and there are too many buyers for the selles to win, so they lose both and then they like to squeeze each other. I really like the Squize Ma indicators, there is always an exciting fight going on when those two yellow lines appear ...

-Can price rise for ever ? No, there are too many ceilings, and alongside this some seilings are very high ...

-Can price fall for ever ? No, there are too many bottoms, and alongside this there are sometimes rock-bottom prices ...

-Thanks to the ceilings and bottoms, we can predict where the price will go, MAYBE for the next 5 minutes, the next hour, the next day ... So, maybe we will be 'Mister Sometimes Right' or 'Mister Lucky' but we will never be 'Mister Nobody'.

Sorry, but I'm a simple mind, so I always see the things in a very simple way truly understand the market I'm too simple ...and the market is not ...