Do You Get THAT Feeling? - page 134


Germany considers following the steps of other Western European authorities and to possibly impose a ban on trading in binary options and contracts for difference (CFDs), The Times of Israel reported late last week, citing Anja Schuchhardt, a press officer of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) of Germany.

“Since the German Retail Investor Protection Act (Kleinanlegerschutzgesetz) came into force, product intervention (section 4b of the WpHG) has been one of the tools available to BaFin, but it is always regarded as a last resort,” Schuchhardt said. “In the future, therefore, BaFin will continue to consider carefully and with a sense of proportion which specific steps are necessary, firstly with a view to consumers, who must be effectively protected, and secondly with a view to the related interventions in the market which should be kept to the absolute minimum required,” she added.

Do you think any increment in spread and commission when some real actions and restrictions are taking place against brokers by some serious countries.
Do you think any increment in spread and commission when some real actions and restrictions are taking place against brokers by some serious countries.
Yes - in the US
...right after poisoning/killing of Al Bagh_Dady for the 12th time...THIS:
Against the background of rising regulatory pressure upon binary options (and forex) brokers in Europe and looming bans even for the regulated companies, they are seeking new markets to expand and surprisingly enough one such market is South Africa where the size of the middle class is growing, along with the numbers of the really rich people. Small wonder then, that the forex and binary options brokers are flocking to the country. Many big brokers have had branches there for a while now, others are just obtaining licenses.

US Air Force Drops Dummy Nukes in Nevada Dessert

The U.S. Air Force dropped two dummy nukes in the Nevada desert earlier this month in what it called an effort to modernize and assess the performance of the U.S. nuclear stockpile.

In collaboration with the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), the Air Force successfully tested two B61 nuclear bombs. Neither carried a live warhead.


nothing to see here folks...move along...  "Accoding to Russian media, Russian state officials and government workers were told to bring back their children studying abroad immediately, even if means cutting their education short and not waiting until the end of the school year, and re-enroll them in Russian schools,"

The Central Bank of Russia (CBR) intends to come up with a stance on the regulation of binary options trading in the country, according to an action plan of the bank for the financial markets in 2016-2018 published on Thursday. The central bank plans to “prepare proposals related to determining the Bank of Russia’s position on binary option trading” by the end of 2017.

The move is part of the CBR’s strategy for “improving mechanisms for countering bad faith actions of professional securities market participants.”


EU Exit "Only Way Out" From Greece's "Occupying Force" Of Refugees

When the public does not agree with the establishment's policies about illegal immigration and the protection of national identity, they blame the voters for immaturity, stupidity or fascism. So as the voters persist in retaining their views for national identity and against illegal immigration, the elites in Greece are replacing the native population by giving the illegal immigrants citizenship. There is only one way now to save what is left of Greece: The British way. Exit. Now.