What are the biggest reasons of losing Money in forex - page 12


Just out of curiosity : how much are you payed to spam forums with posts like that?


Most traders especially beginners have this notion that forex a medium to get rich overnight but fail to understand that it takes alot of hardwork, and that is where greed comes along. Though greed can be good motivator but when is in excess it makes traders hold on to large positions longer that their trading system which can lead to losing trade.


Too big expectations and trading without a system (using one or two indicator(s) without risk management and calculated expected realistic income on an over leveraged accounts == account is dead in no time at all)


loss in Forex can be caused by many things. but the most common is the loss caused due to the lack of having a good trading psychology. because in forex psychology is a very important thing. so to minimize the loss we need a good trading psychology


There many reason for losing money in forex but for me i will say ignorance ,that is not being educationally equip can lead to loss. When you have every information about forex in your finger tips you can be able to know how to manage challenges that can lead to not being successful.


There are plenty of reasons why people lose money - sometimes it's just ignorance and lack of experience, sometimes it's making emotional decisions, and sometimes it's just really bad luck.


I think not being able to control emotion is one of the biggest reason why most trader lose. When emotion is not properly put in place its plan it can ruin the best plan out strategy leading to lose.

I think not being able to control emotion is one of the biggest reason why most trader lose. When emotion is not properly put in place its plan it can ruin the best plan out strategy leading to lose.

It is not the emotions that make a trader lose

It is the lack of understanding that causes loses - emotions are just a result of uncertainty and loses


There are many reason why many traders lose in forex. And most traders comes into forex with the wrong mindset that it is a get rich place where you get money easily. But it not easy there are many challenges involved.


Not accepting loss, it's part of game. Once we know that it's part of game, only way to make more than loss is cut loss short, dont anticipate too much, as people do it but it just trading style, some people use strict stoploss, some use hedging so it just totally depend, but if you're losing lot, then i guess you should take care of it.