What are the biggest reasons of losing Money in forex - page 10


Too much expectations and improper risk calculation

Oh yes : and underfunding. You can not make a decent income using 100-200$. Forex is not a "game" for the poor. Poor are just used to get that little money they have


I'd say that in order to avoid losing money, you should find your own strategy and stick to it as long as you are comfortable with it. I found mine from forexholygrailsystem dot com. It's simplicity makes it very appealing to me plus it is very easy to follow. Plus the winning rates are outstanding.


One more. Man. Spammers and scammers just won't give up

One more. Man. Spammers and scammers just won't give up

He is showing what is one of the biggest reasons for losing : believing that scammers like that know anything

He is showing what is one of the biggest reasons for losing : believing that scammers like that know anything

It is not the scammers that are guilty

It is the people that think that there are miracles and that are giving away money based on a belief in a miracle. Scammers are just a consequence of such thinking : leach will not suck blood if there is no blood. Scammers will not scamm if there is not stupidity


People will always believe in miracles

That our nature


I am serious about this man. I am not spamming.lol. I am also not an advertiser,

I am serious about this man. I am not spamming.lol. I am also not an advertiser,


and I am a billionaire


Believing what we are told

All our lives we are lied that there are miracles. There are no miracles. There is only greed, dishonesty and lies. Forex is just a part of the greed game : out of 1 million there will be one that makes some money and that one will be shown around like a circus elephant with a sign "It is possible". Do no believe. Think. Do not trust. Think. Do not expect. Think

on my own:
Believing what we are told All our lives we are lied that there are miracles. There are no miracles. There is only greed, dishonesty and lies. Forex is just a part of the greed game : out of 1 million there will be one that makes some money and that one will be shown around like a circus elephant with a sign "It is possible". Do no believe. Think. Do not trust. Think. Do not expect. Think

Thinking is not something that people like to do