Did Forex made you happy? - page 2


Yes, forex trading business has made me happy. And now am able to look at life at much more positive aspect because of the financial achievement confidence which the forex trading business has brought in me.


My children make me happy - forex is just a job


Till now only ruined me lol but struggling and struggling but now I'm not in the same rythem as was before 4 years ago but still hope ill recover my loss and will gain after having so much forex pain..


Only if I am going to win. Otherwise Forex trading is a really a stressful job.

There was no expectation, when I started forex trading. I am happy with my trading that includes both profit and loss but not satisfied. I am awaiting for desirable success so far.

Basically forex is a job, business, but when you are successful it makes you happy

My children make me happy - forex is just a job

I think the correct word is an investment rather than Job. Because in forex you don't have fixed income like a job.

I think the correct word is an investment rather than Job. Because in forex you don't have fixed income like a job.

It still is a job of sorts though, especially if you do it for income and it requires mental work. So you can still define forex trading as a job.


Yes forex trading let you learn allot because, In forex market you can earn without knowledge you have to very much alert and always updated by market trends. I like to do upgrade my knowledge and always be alert and earn money according to market trends, it fun.


Yes, certainly forex trading business has made me very happy with the earning source which it has given me so that i can think out of the box and lead a comfortable life ahead.