Did Forex made you happy?


All i can say that Forex made me happy in many ways, i can fulfill all my dreams, i learned a lot of things in working about Forex it made me responsible, and now i learned how to control and protect my money. How about you?


money does


My children make me happy, forex is a job


Can't ever say Forex trading made me 'happy'. But then again, happiness was not what I was seeking from currency trading.


If I say forex has not made me happy it will be wrong. It is due to forex that I am able to earn a living today and had filled many of my needs in past and present.


Forex gives me consistent earning. I am really very happy with forex. I think forex have changed my life. NOw i can think more confidently my life. Actually forex trading making me so happy that i cannot say in word. At the same time- i enjoyed trading with friends as well in some tournament games

My children make me happy, forex is a job

Hey techmac,

you're dead right. My family and my children make me happy, too. Forex trading gives you a consistent earning. I get a kick out of it but it doesn't make me happy.

Best wishes!



Not yet. But I am sure that day is not so far away.


The things that forex allows me to do makes me happy. For example, I can work at home and be lazy the rest of the day after my trading sessions end and I can spend more time with family and friends, which is the most important part of it IMO.


forex, doesn't make me happy....only high and low.....

I was in search of any home based work for some earning. I had not much money to invest any business. Forex give me a hope to get income. I did work on it and make demo practice. MY broker was UMOF they started account with low amount s $1 . I invest $100 in trading account. Of course, I lost everything. My broker was cheating all the time. I am totally screwed with forex.

Thanks for warning the others stay out this bucket shop.