What we are up to


Hello, We are a new signal provider on RAS the ID is 37895 and it is called tradetheladders.

If you follow the signals please leverage no more then $1.00 per pip per thousand dollars of equity we suggest that you leverage $.50 per pip per thousand in equity. Followers can raise the amount of leverage by $.25 or $.50 for every $500.00 gained or lost in equity.

The system is based on broad currency analysis of a base currency as it relates to the rest of the market. We use propiertary indicators and have over 10 years experience trading currencies. We manually manage each trade. Please use a 50 pip emergency stop loss on all trades taken as we adjust accordingly.

We trade up to 4 pairs at a time so that we can take advantage of moves in all pairs. So this means that you should adjust the amount you leverage by 4 so that you can full participate. In splitting our availble capital amoung 4 pairs we are less likely to get hung in one specific trade and have more flexabilty in our trading.

Feel free to post other questions here or PM us.




The data from China showed a slowing of growth which will probably spook the markets as it ads fuel to the fire of a global slow down yet china did still grow. This is AUD and NZD positive as well as Gold. We may be sidelined till next week, but will be watching those 2 pairs.


off to the races

Ok so the week didnt start the way we wanted with 2 losing trades right off the bat for a -80 pips. However ....... We did recover nicely on the reversal signals to erase the loss and post a gain so far for the week.

Before I get into what is up with the charts let me say this.

One of the draw backs I think to being an SP or a follower with RAS is that there is no way to message or contact people directly so that traders can convey what they are doing to the people who are following the signals so......... With this forum I will be doing just that. I will post what I did why I did it and what is I plan to do about it. I beleive in total transparency which is why I archive the market from the start of trading in NZ to the market close on Friday in New York, If at anytime a follower or subscriber wants to see my trades and if I followed my system simply PM me or send a message thru the moderators and I will be happy to forward the taped and archived footage.

Its your money you work hard for it and should demand total transparecny when investing it.

Ok so I have a PDF explaining the system ,the indicators and teh rules by which I trade. If teh moderator will appprove it I will post it in this thread. If not I will post screen shots.

My system is simple recommended leverage is $.50 per $1000 in equity. Max leverage is $1.00 per $1000 per pip

We trade up to 4 pairs at a time so divide what you are levearging by 4 so that you can take advantage of what we are doing. You can see by looking at our record from last night this worked great. Why????

Because NZD didnt move, GBP lagged Euro paused and AUD took off. We got pips on all of them and even though its on a $100.00 or so gain at .07 per pip its a gian and over the course of a month will add up.

On to tonight and what is going on. We are still looking at AUD as our primary pair. It is a lazy traders summer haven at this point collect the swap and let it ride. Currently it is working thru orders at the 1.0300 up to 1.0330. There is a 4 hour triple top tyo contend with. But we did hold teh 38.2 retrace today during the Ben ( no QE3) testimony. and it rebounded nicely more then other pairs. Our system is long on the 4 hour but still bearish on daily charts. loookingg for retrace to a buy zone and a trade higher.



Blue Sky Trading Partners

RAS signal id tradetheladders | Rent a Signal


the dailys

As you can see here on teh daily chart the Aussie is contending with trendline resitance and former daily support turned resitance.


Euro in the money

So last nights trade set up and fired for what is now about 50 pips. Hope you took advantage of our freetrial no CC required if not please do.

Sterling setting up for a possible short right now




chart from current euro trade

Those of you who did take advantage of the free trail should be tightening stops

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Short sterling

Sterling just fired short so we are now short that as well

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90 pips on euro

Good Morning,

Our GBP short yesterday was closed for a 9 pip loss. We got hung and decided to close it shortly into London session. We closed the euro trade for 31 so ladder traders are + 22. There wera a couple of trades on GBP last night prior to the GDP which resulted in a few pips or break even trades. Currently teh pair is being whipped around pretty good with a short on the table taht we passed on till the market works out the fact that Britain is has negative growth.

Meanwhile there was some great action on the euro with a long trade signaled that is still in the money it went as high as 90 pips and never looked back from the time an entry was signaled. We are sidelined till at least after us news today but hope you will take a look at what we think is the easiest and least stress filled way to trade.

Just a note these are not cherry picked examples these are trades everyday that are possible using the ladders we hope you will look it over

Good Trading

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162 pips in 2 days signals again

In addition to the current euro trade that is sitting at +77 pips The NZDUSD also generated some great trades the past 2 days with todays trade yeilding +73 pips.

So total over the 2 day period:

4 Trades

3 winners 171 pips

1 loser -9

+162 pips

Just a note if you are viewing this and have not taken advantage of our free trial ask yourself why? If you are reading this chances are you are looking for something to take your trading forward . The ladders can help you do that.

We thank you for your time

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shorts taken

Shorts have been signaled on eur and sterling


287 pips in the bank


We were stopped out of the Euro and GBP shorts last night for respective losses of 36 and 66 pips when Draghi let loose that he would not let the euro die.

Thats ok however because we were able to get back almost immediately ( off signals ) 102, 104 and 20 pips for a net gain of 124 pips for the day.

Currently those trades are way up in the case of GBP almost 200 pips.

So the first quesion you may ask is why if the candles are still bullish did you take the profit at 100 pips.

Answer: because we had suffered a loss and wanted to replace it and.... we dont get greedy ,and.. there is always another trade/ In a volatile market such as it was this morning before the US session better to get the money in the bank. We try and trade safe and take a slow approach. 100 pips is a lot of pips especially when you add it to the totals for the week. Does it suck that in the case of Sterling we could have gotten 100 more on the same trade. Yeah a little but it would have hurt worse to break even on the day only covering the loss. Some might say well everyone made pips today.

Do they have a net 287 pips in just 3 days? We think thats a pretty good catch. We are leveraging off a 3k base and have gained just shy of 10%. Is every day like the past few, NO but the method is sound and consistent which is the other reason we dont worry about leaving pips on the table. There will be another trade available.

So hopefully if you are reading this recap you took adavantage of the trial and got in on those trades if you havent

We have one simple question Why not?

We dont bite there are no catches, no upsells, no credit card required we arent selling emails. Its a complete system and one that is somple and effective. We hope you will check it out

Thats it thanks for reading Good Trading