Metatrader known bugs ... - page 15

It also appears that when #property strict is applied that the strict enforcement will also apply to the execution of all iCustom calls initiated by the parent indicator. Could be part of Checkin's EA problem also

You are almost sure right. This "mixture" of old with new (and then new can be with or without strict) is not something that can be executed flawlessly. Instead of simplifying and then developing step by step, they started the most complicated way there is. This is like someone wants to eat a 10 pound cake in one bite


I do not have that case

When I try using old ex4 files, then one set of problems happen. When I try using all new coded ex4 files, then another set of problems. And the problems are not always the same. Can not pinpoint what and when happens exactly - but sometimes it does illogical things


Welcome to the club One day we shall have a perfect trading platform and we wil not have to think why is some error happening. Right now we do know why the errors are happening and that makes it easy :):)


Here is one example. On some new builds it will work. On others it will not. And when it does not work, there are no error messages. If you are the "lucky" one, it will not work on your build


Maybe we should wait build 700? :):)

Maybe we should wait build 700? :):)

Or metatrader 6 ... at the paste the builds are thrown out (and still bugs left), it is getting close to both

Or metatrader 6 ... at the paste the builds are thrown out (and still bugs left), it is getting close to both

Or metatrader 7 (I see someone already using that name )


I still think that the best name is betatrader

It also appears that when #property strict is applied that the strict enforcement will also apply to the execution of all iCustom calls initiated by the parent indicator

#property strict is a virus! If it is on any indicator active in a chart, it is applied to the Chart Window and then all indicators, EAs and iCustom calls will be processed using the "strict" rules. Nice implementation, MQ, too bad you blew it.

#property strict is a virus! If it is on any indicator active in a chart, it is applied to the Chart Window and then all indicators, EAs and iCustom calls will be processed using the "strict" rules. Nice implementation, MQ, too bad you blew it.

That could explain the problems I have

Man, that sucks