Metatrader known bugs ... - page 68

It will be interesting to see what metatrader considers as their own code (when the did not publish any useful stuff 0 ir they are going that a few good code pieces pieces by qwpr is their)

gpwr did not post there for years. No idea why (I can only guess)

gpwr did not post there for years. No idea why (I can only guess)

In the mean time they are posting repainting indicators - even in the metatrader 5 section. Here is one metatrader 5 indicator that repaints : lrma_color.mq5. Probably those are the copyrighted


Build 735 - now notifications don't work


For anyone who has problems with the new builds from MT4 ...

It seems that the build 670 is the most stable one (I have read somewhere).

When I have opened the -exe file, I have first closed my internet connextion, so MT4 can't update.

Then I have clicked (right mouse button) on the icon of the MT4 build 670, then 'properties', then go to 'security tab', select 'system' and deny making changes to the system.

This should prevent any automatic update ...

When this is all done, open your internet again.

I have applied for a demo account with Alpari, and now my build 670 works fine.

I wanted to upload the exe file here, but it's too large (even in a zip file) , you can find it here (second post from FerruFx - Terminal rar) :

Mt4 build 711 huge memory leak! @ Forex Factory


Dll loading works on one terminal (build 711) and on another terminal (also 711) does not work


More and more reports that build 735 does not work on VPS - the "common error" whe it tries to connect to the broker (and that happens in a time when metatrader plans to sell us VPS service)


There is "interesting" behaviour with object pointers in the MT4, which cost me another debug time.

You may access, return, and pass invalid pointers, but the runtime error (invalid pointer) arises only if you try to assign it.

E.i. following fails with runtime error:

SomeObject* o = getInvalidObjectPointer();

if ( isInvalid(o) ) ...[/CODE]

while this works with no problem:

[CODE]if ( isInvalid( getInvalidObjectPointer() ) ) ...


Avoid upgrading to build 735 at any cost

Guys Avoid upgrading to build 735 at any cost

I am not using it so this time I am the one asking : why?

I am not using it so this time I am the one asking : why?

In this case just one reason : it turned out that build 735 can not connect to brokers if started from VPS in a lot of cases. First impression : no big deal. But ...

Why it could not when build 711 can? Because it is checking if it works from VPS or not. And coming from metatrader that is trying to sell their VPS service (not enough income from magazines?) we can ask our selves : why are they testing is metatrader is running on a VPS? The answer is obvious : it will works slower on regular VPSs.

That is one of the dirtiest things that that they did so far. We are going to be artificially slowed down if we use VPS that int owned by metatrader.