4TF Bars: Indicators and Ideas - page 18


Pleazzz mr mladen did you see my messages ?

Thanks for all


Pleazzz mr mladen did you see my messages ?

Thanks for all



If you wish to use arrows and those options, why using the 4 time frame version for it? Why not using indicators that probably already have those options and are "single" indicators?

These here are meant to be 4 time frame indicators and that is the reason why I ask. What you are proposing is something completely else than these indicators are doing and are meant to do



Thank you Mladen for your nice answer,

I think in fact that is exactly why 4 F bars are doing for (To give a signal/alert when all timeframe are agree) and I think I invent nothing

Generally on 4TF bars you have a message, alert, sound or Email alert in the options, with this 4TF nolagma it's just another alert but with an arrow on the graph nothing more

The other options above: 1, 2, 3, 4 dots , choice of periods of TF and so on...are coming from other 4TF bars I see.

The only think I never see and I think it can optimized your 4TF, has you understand on my graph above is this option with arrow Timeframe close

Not other indicators can give such a signal/arrow on multiple MTF except 4TF bars I think

If it need a lot of work to add these "classic" options I would understand that you post it in the Elite Section and I will pay for the download

I hope that you will and want to to this 4TF with these option because I really think it would be fantastic

Waiting for your answer, I wish you a nice evening and thanks you for all your work



Hi Mladen did you see my answer please ?

If it wouldn't be possible I will understand

Thanks a lot for all


Hi Mladen did you see my answer please ?

If it wouldn't be possible I will understand

Thanks a lot for all



Please spend some time with multi time frame indicator (and especially with multiple time frame combinations) to get accustomed how can multiple time frame combinations be used.

Just one example : suppose you want to combine weekly and 1 minute first closed bar for a signal. What is happening is that you have one signal from one week ago and one signal from 1 minute ago. And as such, there is no too much logic in using it in that way. Combining time frames is not as straight forward as it seems at the first glance. Multi time frame combinations should be, in my opinion, be used for an estimation on a current (still opened) bars of all time frames used and not for signaling, since signaling from multiple time frames is frequently not what signal is supposed to be


PS: please read my previous answer again too

As of posting something in elite section based on request in public section : I am afraid it does not go so. Those section members can request in those sections. Requests in public sections are staying public request (with discretional decisions of coders if someone is interested in something or not, otherwise there would be a mess with what is what and why are some people paying for something - coding jobs are, as you too know, since you tell that you are a coder, not just a sale of a final product and when something is coded, the job itself is what is the most time consuming (among other things) and that time can not be categorized to a single item price - maybe a complicated way to tell but I hope you understand what I am trying to tell)


Thanks a lot Mladen for your nice answer

Completely agree with you and I understand. I will continue to play with this 4TFBars to find the best way

Agree with you too for the Elite section

You're really a good person to help so many people like me and all people on the forum, your're impressive !

See you soon and have a nice evening




Please can a coder code a 4TF bars based on this model


But with this code from sohocool


A "simple" change nolagma7.1 to Adaptive hull ema

Thanks a lot and have a nice evening



Please can a coder code a 4TF bars based on this model


But with this code from sohocool


A "simple" change nolagma7.1 to Adaptive hull ema

Thanks a lot and have a nice evening



Here you go Both files needed in order to make the 4 time frame one work


Thanks a lot a lot Mladen

It will be very useful for me

Have a nice night and one more time thanks a lot for your work



Hi everybody, Hi Mladen,

Please Mladen, could you replace "Adaptive_Hull ema variation_Beta.mq4" in this indicator (the same above)


by your famous


Because it's seem to have a "bug" with the nonlag7.1 (difference between the nonlag7.1 on the graph and on the 4TF (on the graph when the nonlag7.1 goes up sometimes, the 4TF stay down)

and another with your other famous indicator


Because I would like to compare and try different parameters (I find very useful and quicker to use the method you use with the 4TF and the indi to use (hull, nonlagma etc...) in the same place)

And Yes, I confess, I love your indicators

Thanks a lot Mladen, it will be very useful for me and probably others

Have a nice day


Ps: An example of the problem with the MTF nonlagma 7.1 in 15 minutes DAX. The MA goes up, but stay red, and so, in the 4TF it stays red. I haven't see this problem with your nonlagma indicator
