Advanced trading lessons - page 63


we have to thrue a few different examples

a few different examples for everyone, before you really see, there is several similer but different tricks.

so more tommarow. sorry i am not trading until the middle of next week. but i will talk about what i see

tommarow also.


this one was crual.

the perfect support place in the first shot daily. zoom in to the five minute and you see it missed

now zoom in and see we missed....


And I thought I was being nice..

Boe seriously all these charts with v crotches, physical strikes, fake reversals, secrets of the inner trading circle, having afternoon tea with your very famous trader, waging war on the market, secret tops and bottoms, more secrets from market makers hunting stops , missing out by fractions(apart from the fact its only you who seems to be missing out and by about 400 pips) would of, could of, should of.. etc..




philt enough is enough, i actually had a huge winning streak and felt real good comming back here.

but right away i get this clear sence of negative energy from you. i personaly blame you for the resent missed

trades. you kept my brain just a little of focus, and thats all it takes. no matter how good you are you will

always be suseptable to the presure to prove or please the nay sayers. i could tell you wanted me to fail

and that bothered me. Here i am trying to help you and others, and in stead of working with me and being a good person

you come right off as a hate and jeliose person. Who hates the the only guy actually helping you?

ask your self what kind of person does that?

you know it's time for you to grow up. you will take losses in this buisness for what ever the reason. maybe

you are just off your game because your mind is on to many things that week. It happens. so what.

who cares ... no one cares thyat a took some losses.

what they care about is when they do some home work on the charts and they can actually see what i have been

showing them is a consistant truth..

thats a great start.. why because before me they were being miss lead tricked and out right lied to.

if you can not see that by now thier is litterly know helping the lazy!!!!! you have to get off your ass and do some work.

if your not willing to do that then pack your bags and move on.

frankly i hate the negative energy you carry with you. you are not just making things difficult for me, but for evry user

that comes here.

That if very un cool.. and it's not funny.. it what a child would do!!!!!!!!a nasty dirty bad child.

so put this in your account it's free and strait from me!!!!!1


ok lets move quickly

i have been swampted with work. so i think it's beeter if i movemore to the point and quick.

horzontal support and resistance.

three catagories.

Finding Weekly tails!!

#1===== when finding supprt and resistance for weekly tail (Its Smart too) know this:

A... find other support and resistance levels close by on the weekily or monthly time frames..

B.... aftter finding them to refine that level useing the daily time fram close to the ( weekly 0r monthly levels

you find.

#2==== keep in mind the market will do one of two things:

A.... the market will come close but not trigger the level exactly before turning around.

B.... the market will go through the level ( weekly or monthly level) find a daily level on the other side

of support or resistance then turn around.

#3==== the third thing is this: what about when weekly levels do hit exact weekly support and resistance

levels and turn aroud? because it does happen.

A. sure it does, but remeber for weekly levels we rifene to daily!! monthly levels we rifine to weekly..

so in other words ( 80% or so of weekly to weekly exact support or resistance turn arounds are: found

inside of previouse monthly candles)

it's almost funny.. or ironic.... trend line are used as confusing traders and keeping them off ballence..

and horizontal support and resistance does the same thing!!!!!!! they both leave before strikeing the lines

or they both cross the line and then leave!!!!!!

and when they hit exactly it involves a larger time frame compairison.!!!!!!!!

This is so importent!!!!!!!!!!! taking a realistic and exact nature of the market realities.


EXPECT IT!!! PREPAIR FOR IT!!!!!!! BANK ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lets screw the wheels on strait!!



and in this example you can see you can pick out monthly resistance lives with in 4 pips..

this shot shows traders how to plan a risk point. monthly levels require about a 15 pips stop on avaerage.

but you can see risking very little with larg rewards. and pending order it for no emotion.

iether your correct very fast or you loose and move on.. what i am showing you is: just one axample ... there

10'S of thousands examples... back test and find several so you get confident that i am correct.

not perfect but correct most of the time!!!


lets get this strait

lets get this strait!! in order to be a great with trend trader you have to be a great counter trend trader!!!

why?--- because a counter trend. is trend in the wrong direction just on lower frquencey.

so if you learn to counter trend trade a lower frequency trend you in effect are trend trading the larger trend>>>

this is why counter trend trading is key!!!!


Ok Boe, so how do you see this shaping up to trade for next week. ?


lets look at one more!!!

this one is typical monthly to monthly refinning to weekly so you can get on to a monthly tail.

typical that you have more then one choice.

have you ever used a 50 or 35 pips stop or more? when you trade this way monthly to monthly tails are

ussually 15 pips. but with maltipal choises so close by reduce your risk to 6 pips or so. place all three

trades down. so what if you loose on or maybe two. if your correct on the third one it will not matter.

Lets get this Strait = as Traders you are better off getting stopped out for two 6 pip trades then having a

50 pip stop and be down 40 pips trying to enter.

two reasons #1 40 pips is more than 12 pips. and #2 larg stop losses invite emotion into trading.

emotion kills.


Ok will take a look? But stop showing charts of months ago, they won't make you money. Put next weeks chart up and show how you are going to trade it.