Advanced trading lessons - page 78

i am getting closer to completely exposing Forex prices!! in way no one ever dreamed possible!! does this help. the holy molly girl or grail what ever.

This is what I mean, it's absoloute lunacy. There is no secret to forex and the only one lesson you will ever need to learn.

Cut your losses short and let your winners run. That's it nothng else, the only thing you need to master and it's dead simple but yet mst people fail to master it.

You've been on here how long now and not one trade, just more of the same fantasy land you've got a secret that will blow the fore market apart crap.

You need a wake up call buddy.


you see where i trade other floor traders call me the brilliant one! they beg me for info.

so i figured out that, some guys just want to cheat! lazy! don't care to learn!

just show me the money! what going on man! see any trades! get the f away from my screen!

now you approach me and say sir. i need some help. i always say, i can teach you to help your self.

and i can not do any more then that.

so after awhile in this forum chat thing. i realized that people who were smart enough to learn forex

would understand the value. so i didn't have go bragging and trading and ass holing my self across the screen.

know you see. here we are!


Madness it is..


"you see where i trade other floor traders call me the brilliant one! they beg me for info." quote.

This statement tells me you have never set foot near a financial institution let alone worked in one.

Now stop being a girl and show us a trade for Monday .


listen to your self kid. what winners!! to what price? how long would you hold the trade? what would

make you exit? a magic wand! rules!???? what rule? are you kidding me . do really think people

would believe you? 95% of all trader trading forex loose, and your systems is let your winners run and cut your losses.

who going to buy that kid. who no one thats who!


you have never met floor trader have you kid? it's ok i can be full of my self. why because

when i speak people listen! and its up to me what give away. you can't give a kid a gun.

not with out instructions! lots of instructions!


some kids get kicked out. unteachable is the category! are you that person? unteachable!

you guys make me mad some times , just like always but in the end.. i really like you guys. and you guys hate me!! at least pretend to like me. once in awhile! gosh!!


I do not "hate" you... I don't know why you think that... In fact, I told you from beginning that we did some things the same... I was drawing trendline off of higher tf's and using abc... You shared the way you use m-candles... and that simplified things for me and helped me see "tails" of higher tf... these tails represent vah and val zones within market profile... so anyway... I'm very busy now, my life is chaos, and essentially I'm not trading for the next few weeks... so my silence is not defiance against you... I'll check in when I can...

Have a nice weekend



you don't know do you! their are few traders that use to work were i do. same kind of

attitude. they only last maybe a week, and they are out! i am not here to hand any one money!

or show boat! i came to make friends and maybe just maybe, be the first trader ever!!

to expose the banks dirty little secrets. to a few people who want to know.

but why? why do have that urge? i don't know guilt, maybe!no it's not that! ah i know, i always

like to give and i am not one who cares to receive! that has to be it.


trend changer i know! like i said before! you are impressive trader!!

i can not wait to speak.