Advanced trading lessons - page 71



trading is like a nasty dubble edge knife. the newer you are at trading , the less you know!

the less you know, that leads to who are what do you trust? who do you listen to? do you

listen to me? i havent done so great latley! One thing i read about new traders is this:

even if you handed the best trading sytem ever developed into the hands of new traders

they simple would abandond the sytem at the first sign of draw down!! why because

even the best sytem in the world has draw down! new traders will notice the draw down but not

the fueture gains!

i have lots of rxperience with channels, most channels get broken a couple of time on the target side

and when they do they use the old channel as support. or go back inside the channel then break it on the

target side again. like this example

common.gif  30 kb

very busy

it is the time of year when i have very lttle time... but will find time early next week..

the market is in a weekly range. the market will move side ways and have slight lean to the up side the next

three or 4 weeks : if it shoots up fast again for any reason weekly view! then trap and reversal, for sure!!

but a range leaning up is more probable~

it is the time of year when i have very lttle time... but will find time early next week..

the market is in a weekly range. the market will move side ways and have slight lean to the up side the next

three or 4 weeks : if it shoots up fast again for any reason weekly view! then trap and reversal, for sure!!

but a range leaning up is more probable~

Boe, same thing again and i feel like im repeating myself here..If you think its going up and you clearly do, why are you not going long?

You've been waiting to go short since the 17th August and in that time 800+ pips have passed and you haven't had one single trade.



stop getting mad at me! i have been very busy. this time of year i have two jobs. i help my wife

place exchange students... this has to take a back burner until all the students have a home.

the other thing is, i have been correct but not around at the right times. so i am stuck playing levels

instead of getting confermation at levels...

i think you like day trading more than swing trading just my impression... i tell you what!!

every day if it's clear to me( brcause not every day will be clear) but most days are! i will do a day trading

stradagy just for you and other day traders.

day trading is more risky than swing trading.. but you get more opertunities in return!! next week i should be done with

exchange student stuff... not completley but at least a slow down!!

philt,, i jugle two jobs this time of year! trading and three boy's and dog. running every night with the wife.. and

bowling with friends...

all this and trading when i can. it seams like if i take on to much i fuck up just enough to one step ahead or one step behind.

i am sick of being off center latley also.

any one can with experience can see the market with clarity! but it takes being centered to have timming!!!!


Sorry Boe I didn't mean to offend, it's cool I understand .


ok philt finnally free

i finnally got free for a few evenings!!

i have been in and out of the house constantly. i have had a little time, but not much.

every single minor move i had plotted perfectly with only secounds to look at the charts for the past 7 days.

i apologise for my absence!

soon i will put some trades into the market and plot the moves.



where should we start? lets start with the channel! here is shot of the channel support side!

now the thing is this: the channel can be struck with physical price!

or sometimes with out physical price but with an upper time frame over lay. plotted center !

well i was not paying attention until now, and we already got a slight reflextion off the over lay

upper time fame.

All the mack-D are down and smaller time frame divergence says go long! huuuuu? the down

daily trend line has been broken and a re-entry on the down has taken place already.

sugesting a range sideways on the 30 min. time frame. huuuuu?

we will be long, but i think, after the divergance traders get killed. on the small time frame..

so here is the shot of the channel with my long price entry.

long_here.gif  31 kb

lot's of times

lot's of times a look to the mack on larger time frames and divergeance on lower time frames..

when the mac-d has a confermation trigger ( when the trigger MA line crosses out of the mac-d)

that is when you should trade the opposite way! it's a temperary. and some times a long term


for refinning trades at price levels if you see obviouse divergance thats a trap. expect anouther minnor

move against you!

so thats why i am doing long. and thats why it's below where we are now!


today i started reading a book by master trader V- first book i have read on trading in long time!

in this book i herd this guy cry out for justice!!!! sitting 1000 examples of misleading news traps.

1000 examples of indicator traps.. 100 or more books he has read from the markets best???

only to his disappointment, nothing but failed concepts!!! i have watch my account grow lately

but slowly... 10% last month and 8% or so this month.. i have had my ass handed to me 4 trades

in a row recently!! bouncing me back down some!!! but after realizing how unfair this currency market

has become i should hold my head up! i have done .ok but this book brought me back here!!!

i really have given my all to help, and it hasn't been enough!! not for you.... and even for me!!

sometimes i think this has all driven me somewhat looney .... but it's only because i change

my approach to the market in to many varying ways... when i know what works!!! but i get tempted

and distracted by my over all knowledge!!! pulling fragments!!! not sound over all views!!

so i come back here to help you help me!!! besides i miss all of you!! i know i didn't fail you but

i also know i haven't help you truly beat this market ether!! i do know how to win! and win

much more than i have been lately!

so i would like to start again.. this time step by step...system that truly works!!! i know what

works... so it's high time ... i spell it out in easy form!!! step by step what to do to gain

an edge.. not just one edge.. but several edges.. that work together as smart solutions

to traders misguidance!! even i get misguided so this will help me also!!


today i started reading a book by master trader V- first book i have read on trading in long time!

in this book i herd this guy cry out for justice!!!! sitting 1000 examples of misleading news traps.

1000 examples of indicator traps.. 100 or more books he has read from the markets best???

only to his disappointment, nothing but failed concepts!!! i have watch my account grow lately

but slowly... 10% last month and 8% or so this month.. i have had my ass handed to me 4 trades

in a row recently!! bouncing me back down some!!! but after realizing how unfair this currency market

has become i should hold my head up! i have done .ok but this book brought me back here!!!

i really have given my all to help, and it hasn't been enough!! not for you.... and even for me!!

sometimes i think this has all driven me somewhat looney .... but it's only because i change

my approach to the market in to many varying ways... when i know what works!!! but i get tempted

and distracted by my over all knowledge!!! pulling fragments!!! not sound over all views!!

so i come back here to help you help me!!! besides i miss all of you!! i know i didn't fail you but

i also know i haven't help you truly beat this market ether!! i do know how to win! and win

much more than i have been lately!

so i would like to start again.. this time step by step...system that truly works!!! i know what

works... so it's high time ... i spell it out in easy form!!! step by step what to do to gain

an edge.. not just one edge.. but several edges.. that work together as smart solutions

to traders misguidance!! even i get misguided so this will help me also!!