Advanced trading lessons - page 30


i have

i have one other chart this is my data transfer and advertised close chart.

this chart has the overlays weekly and monthly on it. that looks like this.

so if you missed the data transfer with the advertised close then you need to know how to get on the ride.

also i peak at the daily for price action psychology.


i then

i then apply ever thing we learned to my analysis and my entry chances.

now not only did i see the data transfer with the advertised close right away. i also

saw my counter trend signal on the daily, not just here but one in close proximity. i knew this

would not be a counter trend signal this time. two signal in close proximity rarely mean the same thing.

so what i am going to work on is like a cheat sheet so every one can work off from it to make things easier.

this will take me time, because i am busy with my work the next two days..

lastly once you realize your long!!!! that should have been an automatic freq. change to avoid all the larger picture.

the larger picture can provide entries but if you do not like that or miss it starting at point zero is an automatic

lower the freq.

here is a shot of the expected up move with the 15 minute time frame with 4 hour over lays.

notice the slight third emotional points. now you missed three opportunities to go long safely.

i said this works on all freq. i also said changing time frames with lower time frame overlays when expecting to

start from zero.


what i have

what i have done is showed traders how to open the safe once open, and everyone is looking at the

gold! everyone is standing around saying ok now that the safe is open how do we get the gold.

hello is anybody out there? lol the strategy is basically where are you know in the market?

with the experience i gave you should have a good idea where the market is almost all of the time.

now are you looking at the market at a turning point analysis wise? if you are and did not want

to get in right away, then lower your freq. and start at a zero point.

look for the same habits that you have learned here. trading is taking risks with out involving emotion.

i showed you great places to take risks! i have shown you how the market works and how to avoid

getting trapped. i have shown you what to expect at the emotional point.

weather you all know it or not this complete thread is a strategy. Einstein was no trader!

Al brooks is trader, in his book he says if you do not understand this book to bad. in so many words.

i will make it easier by writing cheat sheets.


Advanced Trading Lessons

Correct, I always thought nobody else knows all those facts!!

the first thing traders must do before learning to trade is this: you must

except the real markets for what it is!!

their will be no changing thees facts about the markets.

1. the markets are be manipulated, in a very advanced way.

2. your stops are being hunted most of the time!

3. the market tricks people into #1 wrong decisions, or #2 early decisions, that seam emotionally wrong for periods of time.

4. no matter what people through at the markets or what they do to make decisions they still seam to work themselves

into dead ends, then start over again, looking for not so much the holly grail but real answers.

5. psychology of markets is huge part of trading, and there is lots of books and lots of quacks teaching this part of trading

(yet not one of those so called doctors relate psychology of trading directly to the charts, and directly to strategy.

6. most everything you have learned about trading comes true when looking at the past but not right side!!

7. 99.99% of traders do not know for sure what time frame to trade from. the ones that claim they only trade from this

one time frame, or just these two time frames, are probably very smart and nice traders, but are not being honest.

because successful traders have to constantly adjust the time frame they trade from. If you don't know how and when

to do this you are at the Mercy of the banks true intentions.

8. most everything you have learned about trading works some times, but most of the time it does not. when a person

looks at a chart their brain automatically is programed to look for what they are taught, so you will find the places on the chart

easily, not noticing how many time their signal failed before being correct.

Ok that's a good start i think. read this a few times you must understand, with me eventually i am going to open your minds

up, expose the you have to be prepared for a completely different view of the markets then you had ever seen before.

this is not a shallow empty shell statement, this is what is going to happen here, and the new view you will take on the markets

will be the truth about how it works and what to watch out for!!

welcome traders!!!!!!!!!!

keep it up boe!

i cant wait for the cheat sheet to be completed.

to be honest everything presented here is confusing me.


maybe some people here can figure out ingenious solution

LET me try to use a few metaphor to try to LET you understand why forex is difficult, almost impossible

newbies, think chart look easy, just put some indicators on, dress it up

then we just buy or sell for every apex (U-turn)

oke, let'say, when you turn on your LCD computer monitor at random time

even I let you stay for 20 to 40 minute each time i.e. your time-span with good attention

what is the chance that you will witness the apex in progress - that sync with your LCD on/off


candle look easy too, just finish a book, then you know about candle

when you put it into practice (ignore choosing the right timeframe now)

candle length just like you are driving in a variable widthlane and width measurement changing constantly -- i.e. you are not even sure that you are in the middle of the lane

what worse, if you drive into the latest candle, while you are driving, the width of lane change suddenly -- like an electronic way , that fast


oke, newbie could also think that, how about

ONLY if I found one LOOPHOLE or on constant mechanism, as long as it keeps recurring, then , I shall win in forex

but few years ago, you might even think that it is controlled by NSA or something, the number keep on jumping around with a bad clock that is not even progressive for each movement

actually, now , around last 20 months, it gets better

something about euro, japanese hald day yen, and wild aussie -- make it more steady now

--- one possible hypothesis with my observation to time of entry

most of the time, the price is not even staying at GOOD to enter price

there are only 5 to 10 price level each day is GOOD to entry


these metaphor, I already disregard about whether to BUY or SELL, when you get turn on


about money management that you manage your account balance, all or partial of your open transactions that have not exit yet

therefore, is forex easy ?

I do manual entry , not using expert advisor or semi-automatic decion support buy / sell -- could be easier with those stuff

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Boe thanks for your replys. But you can't just expect people to trade the information you have presented here, you need to do some live trades yourself so they can can see the strategy working .. You must be using this YES? So show us some live trading please.



i thought that would be a good idea, and i will when i can. but this time in my life i am over whelmed with work.

so lets do cheet sheets first then i will take some if i get the time.

i thought that would be a good idea, and i will when i can. but this time in my life i am over whelmed with work. so lets do cheet sheets first then i will take some if i get the time.

we will look forward to it boe..but i do have one concern this trader friend of yours at Bank of England, "making trading friends in the inner circle, listening to an x- trader for Bank of England." like you said..i think he may be lying to you as BOE do not have any traders..

Be careful there are some who claim all kinds of things.......


wanna know abt the cheat sheet that you are currently working on

is stoploss placement strategy will be included too?

thank you.