Training dynamics evolution of a new forex - page 6


some projections for 2012 kiwi and swissy

here are some thoughts what I am seeing on the kiwi and swissy up-coming months and year for you!


Indi Request

I seen questions about elliot fibonnaci, the system I created allows a user to not be familiar with these things being able to trade what you see, not what you think, sometimes over analysis has been MY greatest downfall. That being said I will do the best i can to demostrate the use of advanced methods that I have incorporated into the template, but it is NOT necessary for the newbies, advanced users will understand more of what I share.

I appologize if the flow of the thread seems not so organized in the lay out, I am weak at this, a bit backwards as I have deslexia, means poor spelling, backwards thinking, but my strength is creativity. so, I just have to go with my strength, and I believe what comes around, goes around. I believe in a higher cause or purpose, and that is to share.

more samples with explainations will be coming, and I have the template ready, so I will post it this weekend to test drive.

Merry Christmas!

Hello Ziggy, could you please post the Waddah Attar S&R you have in the screenshots, I have this one (waddah_attar_dayly_camarilla.mq4), but it doesn't plot a blue line and it is based on Camarilla... I would like the same as you use. Thanks.


can this technique used for all the pairs, ziggy ?

any recommended pairs for this or all the pairs can be traded ziggy ?


may be this is a stupid question

can please tell me where to enter and exit the trades ?

I guess I been posting here awhile sharing my thoughts and ideas for creating systems to trade the forex, so with the winter months approaching I will have some free time and decided to start a thread for 2 systems I use to trade the forex, I want to give a shout out to Xard777 as he has been a big inspiration to me following his threads for several years. I've been trading the forex for 7 years now so I know alittle bit about what is going in the markets currently and it's not a very pretty thing as manual traders we need to reinvent ourselves and stay on the cutting edge or we are doomed to failure.

In 08 and 09 I was trading the forex with the greatest of ease often strining along 20-30 in a row winners, then I had a little personal set back in my life where I was sentenced to prison for 2 years and when I got out, I could'nt beleive what I saw. It's been 9 months since my release date and I have been burning the candle at both ends to create systems that humans can use to level the palying field against high frequency trading computers and what I will sahre with you on this thread are the systems and ideas I think are necessary to trade todays markets.

I would really appreciate if this thread can be a controlled enviroment, I have tested 100's of indicators and created dozens of systems, so rather than having alot of newbies adding thier insight into trying this indicator or that one, I prefer this thread be a sharing of the their own ideas trading these systems to enlighten other traders as to how they are percieving price action with samples of trades they took and what the criteria for that trade so we can all learn.

In addition to sharing the templates and indicators, I myself will be demonstrating trades I take posting samples as to the criteria for that trade as well. I'm not expecting this to be a 700,00 post thread I do have alife away from the computer, but I promise what I share with you will be genuine and authentic, a learnign experience in addition to providing you some tools to not get slaughtered in this market

For future refrence I want to let you know up front I am a terrible speller and I won't be spell checking everything I type, you'll just have to try to figure it out on your, with all that being said, in the next up-coming days i will start posting trade samples along with templates and indicators on how we might create an enviroment of creative thinking to make some pips in this crazy market...

Talk with you all later, god bless and happy pip hunting!


Is the reason you went to prison Forex/Trading related?