Training dynamics evolution of a new forex - page 3


Looking forward to it!

Thanks again,



sneak peek

here are a few samples of the intrday trader template....hope you see something you like!

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additional samples

Here are a few more for your pre-view, questions or comments are always welcome, don't let me feel all alone

My mission is simple, todays world we all need to help each other, we are in the midst of some very difficult roads ahead, the beliefs we had with certain institutions, organizations, that were always thought to hold themselves to the highest standards are all corrupt, more than the drug dealers on the streets, we have to create a new paradigm, and learn to help ourselves and create belief systems that based upon truths, lot lies or deception. The forex has 10's of thousands coming in daily, only 100$ usd to open an account. This market has become corrupt over the past few years, a mouse trap for the average joe, they want to break the backs of middle class.

opening a futures account is next to impossible these days, pages, upon pages of documents to fill out, want to see 20K in your saving account, the rich only are able to trade those markets, and don't have nearly the nassy price manipulations as the forex, the institutions are trying to wipe out millions upon millions of small account joes.

I have been bunring the mid night oil trying to create systems so the average joe does'nt get slaughtered.

instead, want you to make some money for yourself, and ones you care about, this is the mission!


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Hi Ziggy

your efforts much appreciated, your system look nice and solid. but it is too confusing, you use lot of indicators and follow many strategies {S & R, TL, Pivot, EW, fib....etc}. So a littel bit explanation would be very helpfull.

Like when should you go long/short?

How do you start your analysis? [ like which TF you start with and which one you use for trading? ]

Thanks again.


Looks Good

The intraday template looks good Ziggy - seems pretty visually clear to me! I look forward to you posting it. Thanks for your contributions.


please bare with me

I seen questions about elliot fibonnaci, the system I created allows a user to not be familiar with these things being able to trade what you see, not what you think, sometimes over analysis has been MY greatest downfall. That being said I will do the best i can to demostrate the use of advanced methods that I have incorporated into the template, but it is NOT necessary for the newbies, advanced users will understand more of what I share.

I appologize if the flow of the thread seems not so organized in the lay out, I am weak at this, a bit backwards as I have deslexia, means poor spelling, backwards thinking, but my strength is creativity. so, I just have to go with my strength, and I believe what comes around, goes around. I believe in a higher cause or purpose, and that is to share.

more samples with explainations will be coming, and I have the template ready, so I will post it this weekend to test drive.

Merry Christmas!

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some samples about the system

It should be clear for most people. play around with it, demo, try to get a feel...and share sample demo trades with others, to let them see the criteria you seen to take a possible trade. I have an indicator that i use, it does re-paint, and can be dangerous for newbies if they try to use it as a signal indicator, so I am opting it out of template, but will share the indicator, i just use it to reveal previous highs and lows, so I can be aware of a clear highway, ot road construction. It's all I use it for.

I will share it, but keep it off the template, it can confuse, if you add it to the template I just use the standard color, and put thin lines as true

Nothing re-paints on the template, slight lag with oscillator, but no repaint.

here is that indicator, as I mentioned I jusr use it to see the path of least resistance.

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continuing with samples

here are 1/2 a dozen samples or so from a 1hr perspective.

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samples continued

continuing with samples

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training the mind

your mind is the most critical component to successfully trading the forex, you are whether you believe it or not, your own worst enemy, our DNA has been proven to be corrupted, tampered with, I won't go into details as to why we rapidily evolved to what we are today. Rather to emphasize that your mind is critical in trading, and it corrupt into making you fail, than to harnes the power of the universe, we have to many blockages. You don't need to learn qi-gong, tai-chi, deep meditation, or about opening your chakras....but hey, it might not be a bad

The navy seals are said to with stand any mental torture, to not be brain washed, hypnotized, pass lie detector tests, so many things, if you just leran and understand, that is you, who must over come yourself, you will be ahead of the illusion we call life.

Ok, enough of that..I have listen to one pster that there are to many indicators, i am working on that cleaning it up even more. The way I have these templates set up, is that IT does, or THEY do tell a story. it's up to your brain to see the symphony that is taking place.

I have oscillators set to parametes that mimic price, along with data from larger time frames on smaller ones.

alot have only one monitor, and rather have 3 different pairs on say the 30 min and 1hr, than 3 different time frames for the same pair, make sense? ok

Besides trading without knowing bigger time frames momentum, is sure failure. The template I will release this weekend is going to be 2 parts, only one difference.

but it will tell a story in a different manor, just get your mind around what you are seeing, don't FOGET that criteria when the market tries to spook you!!!!!

write down your criteria, glance at it, say to yourself, shewww, wipe the sweat off your bow, and say I almost forgot the reason I got in, glad I wrote down the criteria for the trade.....

so, there will be 2 very slight variations of this template, just will be easier for you to add template, than to switch the indicator.

Once I release and share this template with you, i will be working on the original template I posed to take into consideration an earlier post to make it even more lean and mean.

Then I will share a template I have been using for sometime now, with 2 slight variations as well.

The templates, or method, of how I trade is always constant, with only slight varying degrees, but can allow one person, to say from one to the other template, ok, now I see.

seeing is believing, if you cant see the markets, you will never in your mind sub-consciously believe you can trade, while you might not ever admitt that to yourself, it's true, you're doomed, so lets allow ourselves to see, and help each other to see, in the matrix of this illusion called reality!

God Bless~