Training dynamics evolution of a new forex - page 5


use of bands...

I use them as price containment, especially on pullbacks, today trying to fib your areas of support and resistance is nect to impossible wayyyyyy to many variances to chooose, the channels will contain price a good % of the time, some pairs will more so depending on time frames, if the CCI is to slow ( while some like the filtering effect ) you can use a current time frame waddah in it's place with the higher time frame momentum. I am a BIG advocate of 60 min data on the 5 min, 4hr on the 15, daily on the 30-60 min, weekly on the 4hr. everything I do is based upon these simple principles. That being said, I have a template that includes on the 15 min: current waddah, 60 min, and 4hr. 30 and 60 min: current, 4hr, and daily. I call it mid range data.

You may not be able to get all the trades you could, not having that mid-range data, but some peoples minds, that would be over load, and they only need to take the set ups that just jump out and you, with out disecting to much, but I like having that center data, that's me.

My goal is to get newbies trading successfully, without brain freeze, and being over whelmed. I have several templates, with these types of variations added to them, but all are based on one basic priinciple. What higher time frame data is most important to that particular time frame, without over doing it.

I'm trying to find a programmer that can create an indy for me based upon these channels, as I do have another system, but with the channels lines over laying support and resistance indys, it gets messy, and hard on the eyes, so what I want to do is create a shaded in version of the other channel sytem I use, which is really my bread and butter. What I mean by shaded, is zones of highlighted varing degrees of shade, instead of channels lines, over the top of resistance lines.

If I can't find anyone here to volenteer this, i might have to hire it out.

while alot of traders are complaining right now, that they have no direction of the markets, because stochs is flat, rsi going down, macd going up, this time frame this way, that time frame the other. I just concentrate on trading the preasure as I see it, without getting all confused into the contrdictions of so many oscillators that don't work.

I am at a point where I can trade exclusively with waddah explosion, that for most people is hard to do because they are so programmed into over bought and sold, when there is NO such thing, price is the ultimate indicator.

used to be a time when the stochs oscillations were clean and nice, today they are need to know what preasure means in the markets, even if price goes against that long term preasure, you have this waddah pivot indy, which comntains price 99% of the time, show me another indy that does that.

waddah has made some of the best indys for forex trades, it's just so many are programmed into macd, stochs, CCI.

Macd is probaly the best indy in the forex, to filter all the garbage, but it does require bigger stops, and I do like macd for divergence.

will add the template that has strictly waddah for your observation, but the eye needs to be trained to what it is seeing, and the other tmeplate I need to code another channels system I have. so it is crisp , not having a headache when you trade is important.

I'll post for you using waddah only.

Currently, i am doing a screening process with currensee, and zipsignals as a provider, a way I think i can help other traders, without setting up my own website.

These 2 templates 6 and 7, are all waddah, which means fast, signals, no lag, essentially pure price action. see if you can visually see the dance taking place, along with the trip with the trip wires.

Once I can find someone who can code me these shaded tunnels/channels i will post other system, I hope what I have provided so far, at least helps to see the markets better, and have a of understanding. several good indicators have been share here, take them and make it your own, create what works best for you, no one size fits all, but there is something here for everyone, I believe even if it's not the entire systems, mix and match as you SEE fit , peace!

P.s. waddah provies excellent divergence

template 8 requires macd indy, create what works for you to SEE...some pairs have better containment on the 30 min compard to the 1hr, such as the kiwi, or aussie....just fit in the time frame that works the best, and set it up on profile listing 3 pairs, out them on the 30 min or 1hr...and just click profile 1 or 2, how ever you lable it, or maybe: cable swissy euro then switch from profile to profile having 3 seperate pairs to monitor, this way you don't need to swithc from pair to pair, looking at multiple time frames to see opportunities, and be patient, one glance and you will KNOW!!!!

It's either there or it's NOT, and if one pait does'nt give you a clue, having 3 pairs on one profile, you might see nothing on the euro, and see a good sell with resistance on the cable, or see good support for a buy on the swissy, does that make sense?

The big players have all there tmeplates organized for quick one look glances, they don't need to do all the elborate fib work, putch forks, elliot, or any of that. They may have 5 or 6 monitors, talking on the phone to there clients, telling them where to buy and sell, it's all quick glance, just by looking I can tell you it's a 38.2, 50, 23.6, 78.6, can't you?

I mean how hard is, so why play around trying to do fibs.

Here is a screen shot of a triple pair profile, if some pairs retro fit better on the 30 min such as the aussie swissy, or whatever others, profile them together, I prefer the 1hr at a quick glance because it shows me data for an entire week, I have it zoomed out to do this, if you have it zoomed in so much so, that all you see is data for that one day, say 60 min, your missing the swings from that last 4 days.

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you don't need to fry your eye balls trading all night and day

Opportunities in this market are difficult to pick off, sometimes you will have to tray and pick off tops and bottoms, but know that you are at extremes when you do, and take a shot, because price will not pullback, it will just abruptly take off, I have showed you in some samples all the spiikes that prevent you from getting in and joining the party, there is pleny of evidence to demostrate this to you.

Trading has beomce very difficult and the less time you spend goffing around on the smaller time frames filtering out the noise on the 30 min or 1hr, the better off you will be. let price prove to you, it is going to run this way or that way, not by over anlysis, but just by a quick glance, palce the pairs or group them in a profile that best fit the 30 min, the 2 off the top of my head are kiwi and aussie, find another one, only thing is you will have less data to view, as it now becomes zoomed in, but you will still get in 2 days, compared to an entire week on the 1hr.

Group them together, how ever you choose, if you want common pairs, group the kiwi, aussi, and euro....or, the loonie, yen, swissy, not commom. Group, euro swissy cable, have 2 common, 1 non common, however you want.

then you just click that profile group, all on one time frame, and it's there, or it's not!!!!

Everyone, wants to be a rocket scientist, or brain surgeon, look at me I can't even spell....yet those rocket scientists, and brain surgeons still can't trade, I think they like to stroke thier ego to much....

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hahaha, seems like a lot of indicators, but it's really not.....=)

could'nt quite squeeze the last indicator in previous

Oh, and Merry Christmas!

P.S. if the auto trend indy messes with your head to mcuh get rid of it, it was one of those that was debatable, it can help or confuse depending how you percieve it!!!

And if you want real change in America, Vote Ron Paul!!!!

God Bless


remaining indicators

good luck with this set-up, if it prodes you some clarity in the markets, help out by posting your successful trades, and run with this thread, I have other projects I will be working on, make it your own. Tis is the best I can share with you.


P.S. our friend Xard, has changed the waddah levels for us, so they can be dotted instead of solid lines, when y ou have solid lines for channels, then waddah being solid, alittle ahrd on the eyes, I let this indy be as is for 3 dot thickness, you can change to 1 as i have, but it makes it alot easier now, so, thank you for that xard!!!

I am going to post my final template, the 2 I have already are....what are they?, 8 and 9. I thinkI have provided samples on each, only difference being macd is being used on the other instead of all 3 being waddah explosion, the templates 10, and 11 will be my final templates I share, different channels, with 2 slight variances as with 8 and 9, one being macd.

I just have to change the channels to solid lines on 10 and 11, now that we have a dotted support and resitance indy. will look better than dotted channels, solid lines support/resistance. that is, solid channels now, dotted support/resistance, sorry for the rambling, want to make sure you get it.

all the indy's are now avaible, just 2 more templates, and your good to go, allI can offer you from this point on, is showing possible set up senerios, on alimited basis.

My hope is that at least one person finds something to add to thier arsenal, whatever that maybe, or any newbies that find the complete systems something they can use to trade from, either way, they are yours, so good luck!


alternate channel templates

one has macd, the other does'nt, I find both channels templates provide equally decent visual into seeing the markets, it's for you to decide which one fits your I mentioned templates 8 and 9, on the one hour don't contain price as good as the 30 min, and it is really nice on the 30 min, aussie, just look for yourself, now, templayes 10 and 11, take care of this, that's not to say it is better or worse.

so, you have some toys to play with now...

Make sure to give Xard, a big thanks!!!


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just want to wish you all well

hope what I have shared with you, gives some unique insights into the markets, i have been busy with other things and continue my journey in this area


new forex social communities

Just wanted to share some new resources with you guys incase you are un-aware...seesm to look interesting.

I hope 2012 is really good for you guys, this place has allowd me to explore and make great strides in my trading, and I have no regrets, but I won't be here as well in your journey and keep your eye on the price, god bless!


here are a few gifts as I move along in my jouney...

to all you guys in the free forums...template 14, if you do not like the custome candles, delete and make the daily candles all time frames, as the custom candles do not go as high as the daily.

an alternative to this set up template 14, is to put the trendline oin false and add the sonic indicator make color scheme all the same perhaps dark slate blue, the zig zags I've created are very good for doing fibs with and or pitch forks, i can give lesson on these, but if you have experience you know the difficulties of doing pitch forks not knowing waht swings to use, the 1hr and higher lend nicely for pitch forks.

The last template is a final version update, and yes, i am the creator of this system with regards to these envelope settings with moving averages, so remeber where you seen it first. I'm just giving back, what you all have shared with me over the years, and although I fele certian things are of conflict of interest here for me, i still want to sahre, because I have gained alot from here.


continuing with indy's and last template

With template 4 if you add the sonic indy, just put MT_trendlie, where it has see trenline, as false..otherwise just to busy, and as always 15-60 min, 4hr profile on your screen, make sonic because of back grouns all same colors for all time frames. and if you do not like the custom candle indy, delete them from 1 min to 4hr, and make the daily heiken ashi candles all time frames, no big deal.

I did'nt load all indy's as the previous templates I think it was 10 and 11 not sure a few posts back have all indy's but if you downloaded already, then you just need to add these here to complete the set up...hey, go make some pips, good luck, ok???

god bless!

P.S. almost forgot sonic indy, MTF shi can be a very useful tool in my opinion if used properly, just ghost out the MT_trendline, as to fasle, but keep it on template for swing indentifications along with my zigzag settings...ziggy fading into the great abyss!