Forecast of daily high and low. - page 8


EURUSD forecast high...

Its been on the move,

And I am eying these levels...

range 1.2689 - 1.2699

other possible - 1.2725

Lets watch and see


I think the majors will be fine. EU, GU, AU & UJ

Pic not really we all can see this on our charts.

Well done....

I am going to consider these requests.

But, as you can imagine, it is time consuming to calculate and also make the images.

I have been giving forecasts for all relevant pairs, because some may like others apart from the majors. While some days, there might be low volume on some pairs, but much movement on other pairs. And some pairs influence direction of other pairs, etc.

What I really need from everyone is an exact request for which pairs that I give forecasts for.

If the amount of request is fair, say 4 or 5 pairs, than I could always give the forecasts on chart and also the review on chart ( picture/screenshot).

I'll pick the most voted for, and stick with those.

Also still provide gold, and maybe occasionally throw in another pair for fun.

So, what does everyone want?
I think the majors will be fine. EU, GU, AU & UJ

Pic not really we all can see this on our charts.

Well done....

The same request .

Thanks Lion in advance.



Hi Zion_Lion,

Congrats for the today 13 Jul GU forecast. So now, what's next? Are you going to sell your formula ? Avertise in commercials? Establish a Rent a signal service? a website? Anyway congrats again, and keep going.

Thanks for the work.


I am not going to be available very often during the next 4 week.

Personal matter.

I am going to try and post forecasts when I can.

But I promise to do my best.

My apologies in advance.



Aright, than it is settled.

The four mentioned, and my personal choice of Gold, usdchf, and the gbpjpy, (because I like to tame the beast).

This takes my count of 11 forecasts down to 7.

I am okay with this figure.

I also want to point out what I mentioned in my original post about major news announcements creating an atmosphere that ignores any forecasts.

Most of yesterday's forecasts, had I given them, would have been ignored.

I came in with some midday forecasts of where I felt the rally might stall.

The high was about a dozen pips over for the EURUSD, and about 16 under on the GBPUSD.

However, the forecasted levels on the Cable were reached later during the current trading day, about 8 pips over the higher forecast, and is currently forming something of a range in between both levels.

For the EURUSD, the price eventually came back inside of the 1.2689 - 1.2699 range, and bounced back to the high 1.2738. Currently sitting a bit under the 1.2725 level.

If you used the forecasts as I suggested, (exit trade or partial lot), than you would have gotten out just in time before the stalling started. Securing profit is what we want to do each day.

In any case, we tried. News days are a challenge, but in time, we can master any day.


Hi Zion_Lion,

Congrats for the today 13 Jul GU forecast. So now, what's next? Are you going to sell your formula ? Avertise in commercials? Establish a Rent a signal service? a website? Anyway congrats again, and keep going.

Thanks for the work.

Thank you.

I am not sure where my friend and I are headed with this type of information.

We are still working on the formula, and making adjustments as needed.

Am I going to sell the formula?

Not sure. Though, it is an option. And why not? If someone can come up with the asking price, than it's theirs.

Advertise in commercials?


Rent a signal service?

I never liked those. A chart and good indicators can give signals just fine. And besides, these are NOT signals.

These are forecasts of the high and low, to be used as places to consider exiting a trade to secure profit before the market stalls or reverses.

If ,for example, the forecasted high of the day is reached and it is near the close of the day, that doesn't mean the market is going to reverse. The market may continue the uptrend into the next day. So, any good trader would exit partial lot at the forecasted high, re-adjust his/her stop, observe the next days activities, look to new forecasts, etc, and exit when his/her weekly profit goal is realized ( assuming the trend and trade went far enough for that to actually happen).

If a person doesn't have a solid trading system of their own, than these forecasts don't mean anything and won't help.

If a person has a solid system, than they can look to these forecasts as levels to exit their trade, or even begin to consider looking for their current solid system to signal a reversal.

So I think the "rent a signal" question really needs to come after the question " Would people be willing to pay for this information?"

A website? An option.


One shot attempt, for fun.

The now 7 package of forecasts to resume tomorrow.

For now, I am going to give a one shot attempt, for fun, at the GBPUSD low of the day.


Right now, it is 205AM EST, current price 1.5195



The mid-day forecasts for July 13 have now become a July 14 range.

Morning all.

I'm trying to understand what each of you is requesting, but I need more clarification.

xx3, you would prefer everything shown with chart pictures?

Both forecasts and previous days review?

simplex, I have been posting the results of the previous days forecasts, just not in the same thread as the new forecasts.

But maybe you can clarify what you mean?


ya, with chart shown -- even better , write the prediction on chart

and with more currency pair

and how to estimate the margin of error in prediction -- or any early warning sign that the prediction won't be true