RAS Signal - Multi-EA - page 9


Week in summary and the week ahead

Hi all,

Last week gave us some nice pips for the week, well over 300. The move up on the EURUSD just didn't want to quit. While that gave us some nice trading opportunities and we captured some nice pips, it looks like we might be in for some corrective action this week, a dip.

This week is the end of the month and end of the fiscal quarter. This normally translates into volatility or whipsaw action that can be difficult to trade depending on how big the moves are. This is due to largely to the big players closing out positions for the month/quarter and a lack of volume in the market. I'll be watching closely to see how things go. If needed, profit targets might be reduced a bit in order to take profits early on down moves and let them run if the move continues higher.

Other news, I'm testing a new EA which has potential but needs some time to prove itself. I'll keep you posted and let you know if/when it gets added.

Have a good week everyone.



Technical Glich

Hi all,

There was a technical glich on my side of the RAS EA over the weekend and some trades this week have been missed. This was discovered only a few minutes ago. The technical problem has been fixed and everything is running normally again. Many apologies!



Week in summary

Hi all,

We finished the week pip positive once again and hope to keep on pippin in the week to come. Despite the technical hiccup we're still up for the week by about 200 pips and hope for more of the same next week. We should soon have our accounts back up and above the high water mark set just prior to our draw down.

The EURUSD seems unstoppable right now and it just keeps grinding up up up. This is usually met with a very fast drop at some point and the trick now is to be ready for that and try not to get caught going long when it does. It's impossible to predict that so as usual, I won't, and we'll just trade the market as it comes and deal with whatever it gives us.

Let's hope for more good trading conditions next week. Enjoy the pips everyone!



I dont know what is wrong with this expert. I have seen many times positions with out stop loss. It is so dangerous to have such positions in live account.

One time I lost connection with RAS server and there was a position. It made me lose a lot.

I dont think this will work any more to be profitable EA.

I dont know what is wrong with this expert. I have seen many times positions with out stop loss. It is so dangerous to have such positions in live account.

One time I lost connection with RAS server and there was a position. It made me lose a lot.

I dont think this will work any more to be profitable EA.

I'm sorry to hear that pcaster, but I must admit that I would feel the same. All the best.

Note to all, please remember that you can manipulate the open trades yourself. For example, if you're not comfortable with an open trade with no SL you can set one yourself. As a guide I can tell you never set one more that 95 pips away from the opening price. Most losing trades never reach that limit before they are closed.

The purpose of the hidden SL, that is the opening of trades without a SL, is due to the fact that many brokers are setting up their MT4 systems in such a way that prevents a trade from being sent by an EA with an SL included. SL's need to be set after the trade is open.

So, this is what I will try to do in the coming week ( I suspected that this might be required). I will re-code the Multe-EA signal with a post-trade-stoploss function. That should be the happy medium that we're looking for. What it will do is first, open the trade with no TP or SL, then, after the trade is open, set the SL. That should work for most/all.

Hope this helps,



The week ahead

Hi all,

The current Gold market and the EURUSD are highly correlated right now. As Gold goes up/down, EURUSD goes up/down with it. It's mainly the USD side that's causing that. The market guru's out there are predicting that Gold will reach $1400/1450 in near term and then take a break. At the moment Gold is well off its high from last week but appears to be just testing a short term trend line and may march straight up if that proves to be support. If that happens, the USD decline with continue and we'll look for trending positions in line with the EURUSD uptrend. Otherwise we'll keep trading our range and break out strategies and hope for some pips from them this week.

We finished this past week better than the week before but we've been trading pretty much flat to slightly down since the first week of September. This is not really a concern for me because it only proves what we already know, that forex trading is not a get rich quick business. In any case, I know there are many pips ahead and I'm constantly looking for ways to improve the Multi-EA signal.

The CHF trades we not as good as expected and we're currently in a draw down on the open trade but I've watched this system long enough to know that this, although larger than I like, is normal for that EA and it earns money in the long run.

NEW EA: I'm currently working on another EA that makes consistent pips but it has shorter profit targets than those we currently use. It might be considered a scalping strategy by some because it averages 10 pips per trade but the frequency of trades and time between opening and closing trades fall within the parameters of our current trading strategy so I'm considering it. I'm not going to get into a debate over what constitutes scalping but I will explain that, on the Multi-EA signal, I try to avoid trades that open and close quickly, taking only a pip or two of profit. When an EA/signal does that, the signal itself might perform well in that it registers the pips on the RAS signal page, but the actual trade execution in your accounts may not happen because the trades open and close so quickly. The EA I'm currently working on does not do that and should trade just fine for us. I'll let you know if I introduce it to the signal and will reiterate here that all EA's, when opening trades, will not open more than 10x0.10 trades, or a total of 1 full lot.

Enjoy the pips everyone!



Massive lot size - what happened?

Hi Kelvin,

What happened here - this is a lot size of 10.00 rather then the normal 0.10

This is the RAS entry:

EURUSD 1000.00 10.00 2010-11-05 22:37:55 2010-11-05 22:38:08 - - 1.4033 1.4045 -12 -1200[/CODE]

In your description you state

Trades are normally 0.10 or 0.20 lots. There are several EA's that may open trades so there may be as many at 10 x 0.10 lots open at once. Regardless of lot size, the maximum combined total size of all trades is currently set at 1 full lot. If this maximum is going to change, prior notice will be given either here or in the discussion forum below.

So if the maximum combined total size of all trades is 1 full lot - how is a single trade opened with 10 lots?

On my live account, I use a multiplier of 1.5 - so it opened up a lot size of 15 lots! This 10 second trade that lost 4.1pips cost me AUD $607.04. Here is the entry as recorded on my live account:

[CODE]11.05.10 14:37 11.05.10 14:38 EURUSD Sell 15.00 0.00000 0.00000 1.40403 1.40444 -4.1 -607.04 10s -1.19%

A lot size which is 100 times greater then normal is unacceptable - what went wrong and could it happen again?

Cheers, Andrew.

Hi Kelvin,

What happened here - this is a lot size of 10.00 rather then the normal 0.10

A lot size which is 100 times greater then normal is unacceptable - what went wrong and could it happen again?

Cheers, Andrew.

Hi Andrew,

Sorry for late reply, I've come down with flu or bronchitus this weekend.

What went wrong: This simple truth is, I screwed up. I'm preparing to do large account trading with the proprietary group of traders that I belong to. Our standard trade size is 2 million (20 standard lots) and I was late entering on a short so I went half size (10 lots). When I realized that I opened the trade on the wrong account, which was almost immediately, I closed the trade.

Will it happen again: I will make every effort possible to avoid it, it wiped out about 35% of my profit. In an effort to prevent this disaster from happening again, I've changed the chart setup so that it looks significantly different from the Multi-EA account. Additionally, I would now recommend that everyone set the RAS EA to allow only a fixed trade size (buyer_lots_max_per_trade). Once set, a 10 lot trade would be executed as a 0.1 or 0.2 lot size (whichever you configure) regardless of the size that comes from the Multi-EA signal. This will greatly reduce the risk of this happening again.

Bottom line: I apologize for this mistake and have done as much as I can to prevent a recurrence. As for those traders who wish to move on I wish you all the best. As for those who are staying on board the "Going forward" note should be encouraging.

Going forward: Trading continues next week and I'll be back in the market Monday morning. I'm working on something to help capture our profits better. One thing I've noticed lately is that the EA's are following the moves, finding good profit, but then losing it all as the market reverses. I'm currently testing an EA that will capture the combined profits of all the EA’s and then wait for the next move. Testing has produced encouraging results so far so I will be implementing this a.s.a.p..



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