RAS Signal - Multi-EA - page 2


A top 5 signal ... Again!

Hi all,

I'd like to say "Thank you" to everyone who's helped make Multi-EA such a popular signal!

As ususal, I want to give new subscribers an opportunity to sign up so I plan to close all open/pending trades sometime today. Start up will take place on Monday when market conditions seem optimal so that all new subscribers get the best possible start.

Thank you once again for your support.

Enjoy the pips!



Sign up time

Hi all,

All trades are closed for the weekend. As promised, I found a spot to close trades for the weekend and give new traders an opportunity to sign up and get the best possible start.

We didn't squeeze as much profit out of the market as we could have today but overal we ended positive for the week and we're up nicely for the month so far.

Just a quick reminder to new traders, please be sure to evaluate the trades made by this signal and evaluate the risk objectively to ensure that you are comfortable with it before subscribing.

Enjoy the pips everyone!


  • What's the maximum number of open/active trades you have had a one time?
  • What is the maximum lot size you allow? I noticed one of your trades (Trade ID 1041204) was listed at 0.20 lots.
  • Do you always close out all trades on Friday?
  • What's the maximum number of open/active trades you have had a one time?
  • What is the maximum lot size you allow? I noticed one of your trades (Trade ID 1041204) was listed at 0.20 lots.
  • Do you always close out all trades on Friday?

Hi mandelmus,

Thanks for asking.

Max trades: The maximum I allow is 10 trades and the maximum open trades I have had is 10. The stats shown on the EA's main page are accurate where it shows the max/min number of trades as 10/1. (Multi-EA | Rent a Signal)

NOTE: I don't use a maximum number of trades to guide the trading on the this signal but rather the maximum TOTAL SIZE of all open positions is set to equal 1.0 lots. e.g. 10 x 0.10 = 1.0 // or // 2 x 0.20 + 6 x 0.10 = 1.0.

Max lot size: The current maximum size allocated to one of the EA's is 0.20lots. In the future I may increase one or two of the EA's to 0.30 but I don't see a need for that at present. Again, note that I limit the maximum COMBINED TOTAL of all open postions to be 1.0 lots. You will notice that one JPY trade, early on in the development of this signal, slipped through with a lot size of 1.0 and it never happened again. I do not plan to use 1.0 lot sizes as this would limit the signal to a single trade in order to work within the guidelines I've established for it.

Close out trades on Friday: I don't always close out all trades on Friday but I try to. This gives new subscribers a chance to sign up at a good time and allows me to more easily maintain the EA's behind the signal without interfering with open trades.

Hope this helps. Feel free to comment if something isn't clear.

The stats shown on the EA's main page are accurate where it shows the max/min number of trades as 10/1. (Multi-EA | Rent a Signal)

Thanks for clarifying. I never completely trust the stats pages and, of course, they don't reflect how you traded the system before making it available on Rentasignal.


Balance to start??

If I want to follow your trade size, what is the minimum required balance??

in other words, I want to know the money managment for this system.

I will join after clarifying this point.


If I want to follow your trade size, what is the minimum required balance??

in other words, I want to know the money managment for this system.

I will join after clarifying this point.


Hi pcaster,

If you would like to follow the same trade size the minimum would be 1,000.00 USD or EUR or whatever your trade currency is.

HOWEVER, I must warn everyone that the drawdown from closing out loosing trades (as opposed to holding losing trades, something this signal does not do) has the potential to to eat up more than 500 to 800 of that. I would therefore recommend starting with 2,000 or more so that you feel more comfortable, then, after some success and confidence is gained decide if you wish to lower the balance or not.

It never hurts to review the entire trade history to see what the max draw down really is before signing on to any signal. The records on the Multi-EA signal main page are indeed complete and accurate as far as the signal is concerned. Perhaps that will also help you decide how much you feel comfortable starting with.

Hope this helps.

Hi pcaster,

If you would like to follow the same trade size the minimum would be 1,000.00 USD or EUR or whatever your trade currency is.

HOWEVER, I must warn everyone that the drawdown from closing out loosing trades (as opposed to holding losing trades, something this signal does not do) has the potential to to eat up more than 500 to 800 of that.

So, are you saying "potential" for 80% drawdown (800 / 1000) or 800 dollar drawdown?

Also, is it ok to start trading your signal on a day other than Monday?


Multi-EA is online!

Hi all,

I would just like to say "Thank you and welcome" to the new subscribers this week!

Second, Multi-EA is "online" again and we're hoping for more of the same market conditions that we've seen in the past few weeks.

Enjoy the pips everyone!


So, are you saying "potential" for 80% drawdown (800 / 1000) or 800 dollar drawdown? Also, is it ok to start trading your signal on a day other than Monday?

A potential 5-800 dollar drawdown, yes. The percentage would vary depending on your account size though. Note that the signal trades fixed lot sizes and uses stops and that's what the estimate is based on. If you measure in percentages then the percentage of 50% - 80% on a 1000 dollar account would also be correct, however, because of the fixed lot sizes and stops, even if you had 5000 in the account, the estimated drawdown would still be 5-800 dollars but in percentage values it would now be 10-16% because you are starting with 5 times the capital. This also assumes that you are trading a lot size ratio of 1:1 and asumes that recent market conditions and performance continues.

As for joining on a day other than a Monday, yes it is possible, however, the EA's are live during the week and could open a trade at any time. If you wish to join on a day when the signal is live, just look at the ACTIVE/PENDING TRADES statistic on the signals' main page, it updates very quickly. If it shows 0/0 or 0/1 (or 0/x) you can start trading. As long as the number of ACTIVE trades is 0 it should be safe to start.

Feel free to let me know if anything is not yet clear.