Deviator - correlation strategy, signal #30131 - page 16


November looking good...

November looking good... 3.74% gain and it is only 3rd of November.

Also, Deviator ranked on the first page again. That is where it deserves to be


dear deviator, please contact me directly of mbieri at, thank's



deviator, have you also test nzdjpy as audjpy?

deviator, have you also test nzdjpy as audjpy?

I have not but it would be similar. But I go for AUD since it has better swap. So, I designed the lot sizes for the account to use AUD pairs only. It would be possible to do the same with NZD too, but would not help too much.



hello deviator

it it right that today until now not open new positions, right? when yes, why?

best regards markus

hello deviator

it it right that today until now not open new positions, right? when yes, why?

best regards markus

New positions not opened, but closed a couple of older ones in profit. Currently no open orders, waiting for entry conditions to be met.


November 7.74%

November is looking good, we have achieved 7.74% gain with nearly no drawdown by mid November.

The first anniversary is getting closer. On Dec 7 it will be a full year since the last version is being used. There were a couple of hiccups, like end of May - the biggest one, but overall I find it very very successful year. Current total gain is over 142% without any compounding. Why I do not compound? Because this account is used for signal generation so I do not ever change the lot sizes not to mess up my subscribers settings.

During the past year I adjusted correlated pairs structure (after a big hit at the end of May) and also lot sizes in order to keep the drawdown as low as possible. Look at the overall picture, most of the time the DD is nearly nothing.

Let me invite you to sign up for Deviator, it is only $50 per month! I am offering reasonable and real long term returns without headaches. Yes, there are times we have to close some losses but as you can see it is very rare. The rest of time we just enjoy our profits!

Let me give you an advise: you will not get rich overnight in forex. It is a business like any other so forget fantastic 1000%+ returns in a week or so. You can make it once and then lose all...

My bank is offering me "fantastic" 3% per year, at least they call it fantastic. I am offering you 120 - 150% per year and I still do not consider it as fantastic, but I find it pretty good. Think about it....

Everybody welcome!


November 10+%

Good to see November made us over 10% gain already with virtually no drawdowns. :-)

If you are looking for long term profits, go ahead and join us!


November +12.47% gain

November ended with +12.47% gain, not bad at all. Finally we got to average gain after two low gain months.

You can try using Deviator for free when using new autotrading feature via RAS (what is autotrading). If you decide to do so, please read recommended settings and instructions in my first post of this thread. Basically, for each $3K of your balance use lot multiplier 0.2 and you should be ok.

Look at the clone of Deviator Deviator Clone | Rent a Signal and you will see it works for singal buyes, unlike some other signals that make profits only on some ridiculous scam brokers accounts and when you subscribe all you can see is losses...



3 months profit

The last 90 days balance/drawdown
