Trade with me - page 9


Hi Linuxser!

Will you continue this thread, I think you are a great trader and was hoping to follow you here. So hope you will be back soon??.

Best Regards,


Hi Linuxser!

Will you continue this thread, I think you are a great trader and was hoping to follow you here. So hope you will be back soon??.

Best Regards,


I will back in a few days (week or so). I'm ending with some project related with trading.


I will back in a few days (week or so). I'm ending with some project related with trading.

He only went out for cigarettes and never came back.
He only went out for cigarettes and never came back.

yes,but it was the cigar,not cigarettes and of PISA tower size that is not going to end any way,of course he was so nice man,thanks for his work at TSD,i hope he will be alive and enjoying his life in Buenos Aires with the pips he earned so far.

krelian one day some of us will be move far for not coming back turn by turn and gradually.


yes,but it was the cigar,not cigarettes and of PISA tower size that is not going to end any way,of course he was so nice man,thanks for his work at TSD,i hope he will be alive and enjoying his life in Buenos Aires with the pips he earned so far.

krelian one day some of us will be move far for not coming back turn by turn and gradually.

Hmm, everybody wants to move far away. I just want to proceed travelling around the world, live here and there a few month and move along (one of the advantages of online trading). When the north wind blows...

Sure, Linuxser is one of the good guys and not saying anything else. It is just cute that he wanted to come back. The project was heavy profitable, I guess - and I mean it with zero irony :)