Trade with me - page 5

This is simple.

Rebound for this week. But just a couple of levels.

Come on Angela. Say more stronger words.

Something like: Dear Greeks move the pension age to 65 and reduce salaries 20%.

Let me explain. An Euro downfall will just benefit Germany, France and Italy by winning competitively. So, there is no hurry to rescue Greece.

About Euro.

Three lines on chart. First two draw lines. See divergence.

Last lines. Stoch is crossed up but this looks like rebound, not a rush.

Thanks for listening Angela. I hope you do well on next voting.

And thanks to Standard and Poor's

BB+/B Hurra.

As first post of this thread says: Some exclusively based on fundamentals. However, all analysis is 50/50 or maybe 40/60 (technical/fundamental)

You can't just forget fundamentals. Because fundamentals drive tech action.

Off course I'm not talking about to trade during NFP with is suicide if you don't know what are you doing. Well, some idiots still do this so just take care from them.

Today move was strong to force down stoch and make us to gain gears again.

And this is going better and better becuase next monday unless some nuke explodes somewhere we will have a weekly stoch cross. And that's my friends, will be powerful.


Time to go fish. Enough for the week.

Happy weekend.

Aussie is moving the shadow. But being a commodity related currency I need to study this baby on deep.


Some reading for the weekend

John Paulson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A name you must know. Maybe Soros successor?

15.000 millions in a year and half or 590% (compound)

Still thinking on 20 pips/day?


To Linuxer

you are very good trader.

I want to learn manual swing trade.

please do me a favor ?

When you put chart picture, please can you put which chart and time frame ?

that makes us follow you easier.

you are very good trader.

I want to learn manual swing trade.

please do me a favor ?

When you put chart picture, please can you put which chart and time frame ?

that makes us follow you easier.

Ok. Thanks for suggestion.

I will try to make coming posts a bit more detailed.


Ohaaaa. What a day!.

Long time since last time I saw Euro dropping 8 consecutive hours.

Well. Day is over. Stochastic confirmation is with us and we're ready to short.

Some notes about today. If are following myAdvanced Trading method you already know the pattern which today was perfect.

First. Take a look to M240 charts.

Near 20 hours ago we have everyting on place.

MACD pointing short.

Trendline break

Target Level

Then let's look M60.

Almost same Picture. I just make a circle on entry point. First closed bar after TLB. And all way to ride 200 pip.

However real target is little below: 1.2880

This isn't over.

As said/ Euro is bearish without doubt from now. I'm going to take ONLY short on this.

I'm starting seriously to offer this trades trough RAS.


On last (two) post back I wrote:

Aussie. Let's wait for MACD below zero.

And now you're thinking I missed today's 150 pips move.

YES. A good miss.

Only gamblers trades everything they can trade every time. And I'm not a gambler.

Remember 60/40. 60 Fundamentals and 40 technical.

Aussie is just on some move. And I prefer shoot to hit only. If you have only one bullet you don't want to waste the shoot.

Well. On trading bullets are not unlimited.

Every shoot you miss is money you lost.

Fundamentals coming from Australia where above expectations. And what? market did opposite.

So, by follow market news only you where screwed. Because fundamentals is not only Market News. Fundamentals is about understanding economy, not news.

Did you note last millionaires traders have a deep knowledge about economy? and not "some" knowledge

Soros, Paulson, Buffet, Rotter and many others. I was posting about them.

Everybody talks about his fortunes. Ok. What about their past?

What they have in common?

Paulson. Harvard BS MBA

Buffet. Columbia GBS

Soros. London School of Economics

They all have deep knowledge about economics.

I'm not saying you need some economics pHD.

But I'm saying if you want to make some money better to learn how and when tings moves the world, or just economics 101.

I'm not saying you need understand something like Philips Curve or something.

But I'm saying you need to know why gold is refugee for investors. Why GBP and JPY are so close.

Or just why USD ISM Manufacturing is important and why if going above expectations makes dollar moves, but why is most important when economy is still on recession.

Anything coming from Samuelson or Friedman can tell you the basis. Then, is up to you. Feel free to ask.

So, buy the books. Do you homework. Turn off TV when playing shows and study.

When you're not trading. Read, study, keep you informed (from reliable sources). Avoid commentators opinion and make your own judgment.

Till next post.


If 1.2880 level is broken Today just sell and ignore indicators.

Good hunt.


Thank you for this great thread, Linuxser!

I like the way you are looking at markets.

Which books do you recommend especially? Is the edition of the books relevant?

I had a look on the the book 'Economics' by Paul Anthony Samuelson. The latest edition seems to be relatively expensive in comparison to an edition from 2007 which I can get in my native language.

