Dynamic zone indicators ... - page 71

The only way I can imagine it can benefit from dynamic zones is this. The value used is the trix itself (the histogram value in the base indicator) Here is how it compares to the the base indicator

Since there are no other levels that I am aware of and that could be used in trix, added two 5% probability lines as a possible early reversal signaling (that is the idea : to watch when the the value is reverted)


Also, although it was me that made the code of that version, my primary goal was to clear the code up since the way it was written before, it was more or less unusable for testing or serious exploration (it either had to calculate all the bars all the time, to use some external properly coded T3 indicator (which was not the case) or not to use T3 at all) The point is that from what I see using T3 trix is not as straightforward as it seems : see the period marked with two vertical lines (calculation is correct, it is how T3 trix "behaves" in that period)
To conclude, it seems that T3 trix can misbehave in times of strong moves (I did not find too much examples of it, but be careful when and how you use it, since even that one case can clean your account)

Updated version of dynamic zone T3 trix : dynamic_zone_t3_trix_nmc.mq4

Dynamic Zone Chalkin money flow index smoothed, it has mtf and alerts on zero cross,zero cross slope, slope alone and using the outer channel boundaries with oversold and overbought fot 4th alert possibility.

Dynamic Zone Chalkin money flow index made new mql compatible : dynamic_zone_cmf_nmc.mq4


Dynamic zone RSI of MACD and Dynamic zone ab RSI of MACD from here: https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/general updated to be compatible with new mt4 builds.


Been fooling around with some Amibroker formulas and found an interesting alternative to dynamic zones. Will use this post to introduce and compare the "Amibroker way" to "Stendahl way" of calculating dynamic zones


First of all, the basic indicator is a sort of RSI of MACD and is, as an idea, an interesting way of "normalizing" MACD to a desired range. I think that parameters itself do not need additional explanation, except for 2 : OBLevel and OSLevel : they are RSI levels and not zone levels, and are there to help point out when the predefined critical levels are reached - in combination with dynamic levels, one might find them useful. Since they (and the RSI of MACD) are the same in both indicators, they are pointing to over bought and over sold at same points and time. The difference is in the zones...

As an example here is a comparison of "Amibroker way" up and "Stendahl way" down. It seems that both have some points in which they are better but that I will leave everyone's judgment (after all, we do not seek for same things in indicators, so ... )
Calculation of the two are completely different and it is interesting that two completely different approaches give results that look similar at a first glance. The main difference is in the middle line in which I think that Stendahls way is better (for its speed of signals), but as I said, do not take my word and please test these for your self.

PS : The "Amibroker version" is the one with "ab" in its name

updated versions posted here: https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/general

casaliss Here you go



Updated version compatible with new mql : dynamic_zone_tma_centered_mtf_nmc.mq4


Here you go

Added one option to All Wilder's DMI - showDMLines: if you set it to false, DM+ and DM- line are not going to be shown, if set to true, they are going to be shown (and example : upper with showDMLines set ti false, lower with showDMLines set to true)

Also, ADXR is switchable so you can get all data in this one displayed. Dynamic zone however is calculated only on ADX



Dynamic zones All Wilder's DMI - new mql compatible : dynamic_zone_all_wilders_dmi_nmc.mq4


This should do it

It turned out not so bad after all (not as much CPU weight as I thought it would be , at least it seems so at a first glance on my PC (nothing special btw a 3GHz dual core, so really nothing of the CPUs that can be found now-days)) So here you go


PS: I think just 2 parameters need an explanation : Prefix and Suffix. Due to some "issues" (prefix and / or suffix can not be found out automatically from init section, and from start it simply slows down some things) you (the users) must enter any eventual prefix or suffix that your proker is using for symbols (so if "EURUSD" is "EURUSDm" on your broker you would have a suffix = "m")



Updated dynamic zone CFP (compatible with the new mql) : dynamic_zone_cfp_nmc.mq4



This should do it

It turned out not so bad after all (not as much CPU weight as I thought it would be , at least it seems so at a first glance on my PC (nothing special btw a 3GHz dual core, so really nothing of the CPUs that can be found now-days)) So here you go


PS: I think just 2 parameters need an explanation : Prefix and Suffix. Due to some "issues" (prefix and / or suffix can not be found out automatically from init section, and from start it simply slows down some things) you (the users) must enter any eventual prefix or suffix that your proker is using for symbols (so if "EURUSD" is "EURUSDm" on your broker you would have a suffix = "m")



Updated version posted here : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/general


Here is an attempt to "dynamize" it _________________________

The basic idea is to convert Vortex to a single value and the only logical choice is the difference of +VI and -VI values. That way of showing vortex does not change the zero crossing point and, more or less, keeps the slope as it should (here is a comparison : lower is showing the +VI and -VI difference, as you can see it reflects rather good the upper "classical" vortex indicator)

Attaching the modified vortex indicator that does the drawings from the upper picture (it is modified compared to the vortex indicator I have posted somewhere already - internally it is rewritten as a preparation for the dynamic zone version)

Now the dynamic zone version : apart from using the difference I did try some other approaches and all those turned out to be dead end streets, Only the difference gives usable results, Also, since vortex itself is a "nervous" indicator, added smoothing in order to avoid the "nervous twitches". If you want the indicator unsmoothed, simple set the Smooth parameter to value equal or less than 1

and how it compares to the "classical one" (both are 1 hour vortexes)

So this is what is done so far. If I come up with something new, will post it here. Also, if someone else gets some new idea about how we could use vortex in dynamic zones, please feel free to post the idea here



Dynamic zone vortex compatible with new mql : dynamic_zone_vortex_nmc.mq4



Here is an attempt to "dynamize" it _________________________

The basic idea is to convert Vortex to a single value and the only logical choice is the difference of +VI and -VI values. That way of showing vortex does not change the zero crossing point and, more or less, keeps the slope as it should (here is a comparison : lower is showing the +VI and -VI difference, as you can see it reflects rather good the upper "classical" vortex indicator)

Attaching the modified vortex indicator that does the drawings from the upper picture (it is modified compared to the vortex indicator I have posted somewhere already - internally it is rewritten as a preparation for the dynamic zone version)

Now the dynamic zone version : apart from using the difference I did try some other approaches and all those turned out to be dead end streets, Only the difference gives usable results, Also, since vortex itself is a "nervous" indicator, added smoothing in order to avoid the "nervous twitches". If you want the indicator unsmoothed, simple set the Smooth parameter to value equal or less than 1

and how it compares to the "classical one" (both are 1 hour vortexes)

So this is what is done so far. If I come up with something new, will post it here. Also, if someone else gets some new idea about how we could use vortex in dynamic zones, please feel free to post the idea here



Updated version posted here : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/general