Dynamic zone indicators ... - page 35




Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa Will do it

Hey mladen you forgot to add the 4th option T3 rsi,if you can kindly add this it will be much appreciated thanks

Don't worry about it

Hey mladen,"you're good money all across the planet in my book so don't sweat it!"I just swear remember reading somewhere around here that the T3 option on a rsi enables it to become even faster than the rsx which will make the t3 rsi the "fastest" RSI available,so to see the adaptive version with it will be nice to compare and review,thanks Max


Dynamic zone rasi adaptive ma MACD 2 ...


Here is a version with t3 rsi added. Not it has 5 choices of rsi calculation :

0 - regular rsi

1 - Wilder's rsi

2 - rsx

3 - Cutller's rsi

4 - rsi T3

Here is an example how the MACD of t3 rsi adaptive MACD looks like (it seems that it is indeed faster than the rest of rsi used)

Hey mladen,"you're good money all across the planet in my book so don't sweat it!"I just swear remember reading somewhere around here that the T3 option on a rsi enables it to become even faster than the rsx which will make the t3 rsi the "fastest" RSI available,so to see the adaptive version with it will be nice to compare and review,thanks Max


Respect!,Mladen. I was hoping this was the case thanks,Max


Dynamic velocity differential

adeo Just checking : you would like the 2 in one as a kind of "composite velocity" and then we normalize it?


I'm obviously curious about this and check almost every day; if this idea is not good enough to consider I'm OK with that just let me know so I don't hope for it.

Thanks for everything you do here, it continues to amaze...




First problem (of which you already spoken in your post) s that, since the values that would need to be "combined" are in a completely different range of values and that they have to be normalized, otherwise it would be useless to combine them (the effect on the joint value of the "lesser" value would be negligible). But there comes a problem : each and very normalization ads some lag (which is a smaller problem for this case) and "deforms" the signal. So, where in the velocity there is some steep value up or down, in normalized version you would have a complete flat line (on the extreme, but it will be a flat line) thus preventing us to see what is velocity showing us.

In few words, I simply think that velocity indicator of any kind should not be normalized because that way we loose much more than we gain. And without normalization it is impossible to do a meaningful "compositing" of the 2 indicators you are talking about in your post




I'm obviously curious about this and check almost every day; if this idea is not good enough to consider I'm OK with that just let me know so I don't hope for it.

Thanks for everything you do here, it continues to amaze...

Dynamic velocity differential


First problem (of which you already spoken in your post) s that, since the values that would need to be "combined" are in a completely different range of values and that they have to be normalized, otherwise it would be useless to combine them (the effect on the joint value of the "lesser" value would be negligible). But there comes a problem : each and very normalization ads some lag (which is a smaller problem for this case) and "deforms" the signal. So, where in the velocity there is some steep value up or down, in normalized version you would have a complete flat line (on the extreme, but it will be a flat line) thus preventing us to see what is velocity showing us.

In few words, I simply think that velocity indicator of any kind should not be normalized because that way we loose much more than we gain. And without normalization it is impossible to do a meaningful "compositing" of the 2 indicators you are talking about in your post



Plenty good. And, despite what I say below, I am happy to defer to your experience and sense in this matter.

Having said that and in the context of scientific 'discovery', I disagree on both counts.

Surely the 'dynamic' approach does not introduce lag - at least in the sense of digital filters. There is no delay introduced in the math; all we are doing is arbitrarily assigning a lookback window which is used to set the normalization level.

To your second point about losing information, the whole point is to show one contrasted ('differential') to the other. If there is a flat line (or a spike) that represents (hopefully valuable) information. In this sense the indicator would be a convergence/divergence composite.

Anyway, just my thoughts.




I did not talk about dynamic approach when I said that there will be lag added, but was talking about normalization. Dynamic zones are used (and I hope that we are doing it successfully) to avoid lag and I am clear with it. Normalization is yet another story (apart from not having a "perfect" way of normalization) when it comes to lag

Plenty good. And, despite what I say below, I am happy to defer to your experience and sense in this matter.

Having said that and in the context of scientific 'discovery', I disagree on both counts.

Surely the 'dynamic' approach does not introduce lag - at least in the sense of digital filters. There is no delay introduced in the math; all we are doing is arbitrarily assigning a lookback window which is used to set the normalization level.

To your second point about losing information, the whole point is to show one contrasted ('differential') to the other. If there is a flat line (or a spike) that represents (hopefully valuable) information. In this sense the indicator would be a convergence/divergence composite.

Anyway, just my thoughts.

I cannot get spearman to plot.

Hello - I would like work with thee jurik/spearman indicator. I loaded the spearman dll into my library folder and attach the indicator to the chart. The name of the indicator displas, but not the plot. I thought I was missing the ds jurik indicastor, but I can't find that. Can you guide me.

Hello - I would like work with thee jurik/spearman indicator. I loaded the spearman dll into my library folder and attach the indicator to the chart. The name of the indicator displas, but not the plot. I thought I was missing the ds jurik indicastor, but I can't find that. Can you guide me.

Hi Eianetti,

May be needing the dynamicZone.dll on the first page and post of this thread, won't need the jurik indicator its built into the spearman.