RDB & RTL system - page 24


Hi Ras,

Congratulations, you just cleaned out my account - way faster than I have ever been able to. When is somebody going to tell you to SHORT eurusd, not keep buying like a drunk sailer.

Our business relationship is over, you moron.


reversal trading

My (happily demo) account is at - 2850 $ with 0,1 and 0,2 lots . Following the signal since 29 May .

1 week later now. An other Friday evening and my account is now at -3300$ with -200$ open. Wrong direction.

The only thing I really don't like is that I am paying 100$ to look at this.

No cure no pay would be fair !

1 week later now. An other Friday evening and my account is now at -3300$ with -200$ open. Wrong direction.

The only thing I really don't like is that I am paying 100$ to look at this.

No cure no pay would be fair !

What I don't like is to pay $100 to see my real money go up in smoke!! I'm sorry that you have wasted your subscription money Pipperony, but trus me, some of us has it much worse

Hi Ras,

Congratulations, you just cleaned out my account - way faster than I have ever been able to. When is somebody going to tell you to SHORT eurusd, not keep buying like a drunk sailer.

Our business relationship is over, you moron.

Sounds like you were overleveraged. Doesn't look like with suggested MM any accounts should have been blown.

Sounds like you were overleveraged. Doesn't look like with suggested MM any accounts should have been blown.

System experienced serious drawndown in the last 10 days, but it's profitable on quarterly basis and this is based on 1, 2 and 3% risk. We can control the equity curve to a certain degree, but have no ability to control, traders' risk. It's up to individual person to decide what lot size, leverage and risk she or he uses. I only know one trader, who became millionaire in 3 years trading variety of different instruments, based on 10% risk. It was very hard emotionally and frustrating road, followed by a couple of blown accounts. I don't recommend using higher risk per trade than 1%... There is never a guarantee and trading is based strictly on probabilities.


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System experienced serious drawndown in the last 10 days, but it's profitable on quarterly basis and this is based on 1, 2 and 3% risk. We can control the equity curve to a certain degree, but have no ability to control, traders' risk. It's up to individual person to decide what lot size, leverage and risk she or he uses. I only know one trader, who became millionaire in 3 years trading variety of different instruments, based on 10% risk. It was very hard emotionally and frustrating road, followed by a couple of blown accounts. I don't recommend using higher risk per trade than 1%... There is never a guarantee and trading is based strictly on probabilities. R

Well, I'm not over leveraged but still you have managed to cut my equity by more than 60% in less than two weeks. This is far from my expectation when buying signals from a so called "professional" trader. It sounds like you need a lesson in risk and money management. When the market goes haywire, either step aside or flip a coin. Either alternative beats your performance by a mile.


catching the falling knife ?

-3716 $ now and Mister Knife Catcher goes on. This is the fate of the reversal trader. But hey ... most of the time the market ranges ... untill it gets in a trend of course


Stop dreaming with 2000 pips a week guys !

That's total unrealistic !

Big Joe:
Stop dreaming with 2000 pips a week guys ! That's total unrealistic !

Well, you can dream about it but don't expect it to be a reality